Making game for Windows-based Samsung Smart TV - what do I need to do?

LokitoesLokitoes Member, PRO Posts: 187

Hi all,

I need to publish one of my GS games in such a way that it will play on a 2011 Samsung Smart TV series 8. As it's a couple of years old I believe it is Windows, not Tizen. The exact model number I will be using is UA55D8000YV (without the XXY at the end as seen below)

Here is some info on the series 8:

Here is basically the exact model I will be using (but just an auction site):

I've only ever published for Mac computers before so this is definitely all new to me. Can anyone give me some tips on what I need to do? Will this 'smart tv' natively play a file created for Windows 8 or Android, or will I need to simply use this as a screen to mirror another device? (That second option isn't ideal as the machines that it would mirror only run XP as far as I am aware and there is no WiFi available in the building).

And to anyone who knows stuff about these smart tvs, can I hook a mouse and keyboard into it? (can't be wireless as they might get stolen.) Also I've heard the interaction on these machines can be quite delayed/slow?

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me! :)

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