In game sounds vanished!
First off, my actual in game music works.
Yesterday, all my sounds stopped working (collect items, fire sounds, button clicking). I downloaded the new creator today and the same problem is still there. However, if I press the sounds in the Menu, it works. Ive checked the volume, all set correctly too.
I am on Windows 10, but was using 10 this week without any problems. Its just come out of the blue. Any ideas welcome.
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What type of files are your sounds? .wav? .caf? .mp3?
Its happening in all my gamesalad games now. I've tried a few. Gonna try and dig deeper and see whats going on
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UPDATE. The sounds have comeback! I havent updated anything or changed any settings. However, I have discovered that good old Windows 10 does have some sound bugs related to chrome and youtube. Could be related, who knows.
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