Actor not spawning In Front of actor
I have actor 1, Not Moveable, fixed rotation.
I have actor 2, moveable, fixed rotation.
I want actor 1 to spawn actor 2 in front of actor 1 and destroy.
Actor 2 is spawning below actor 1 instead of in front of.
Even if I put in the exact x, y coords actor 2 still spawns just below where I want it to spawn.
Is this a moveable bug?
That's a pretty vague sentence . . . . I want A to make B in front of A and destroy ?
A spawns B and then B destroys itself ?
A spawns B and then B destroys A ?
A spawns B and then destroys itself ?
A spawns B and then B destroys something else ?
. . . etc etc ?
'In front of', generally refers to layer positions - for example you can choose to spawn an actor in front of itself, or behind another itself - X and Y coordinates (and the idea of ('just below') sounds more like this is an issue with on screen position (X,Y coordinates) rather than an issue with layer order, it's hard to tell for sure which it is ?
Yeah that was vague now that I look at it.
A spawns B, A destroys self.
I want B to spawn exactly where A was before destoyed. I have done it before many times. I don't know why B will not spawn where I want it to.
I have tried to set attributes to save the last x and Y position of A before destroyed then have B spawn there. Seems I've tried everything and nothing works.
I'm trying to spawn the moveable actor(B) and destroy non moveable actor(A) as a work around for another issue. Lol.
Unless someone knows how to swipe to move multiple actors one at a time?
I have swipe to move one actor but it also moves the others also.
In the Spawn behaviour in A, set the X,Y coordinates (for where B is spawned) to 0,0, relative to 'actor'.
Yep, done that already. Thanks for helping.