GS / iOS Viewer / Xcode ad-hoc / Test Flight: who's on first?
Hello -
I'm building an app which will have leaderboards and an IAP to remove ads.
Here's the deal: when I play the game via GS or iOS Viewer, when either the leaderboards or the IAP are invoked, I get the little popup windows which say "In App is not supported in Viewer", "Platform behaviors are not supported in the Viewer, but this is where Leaderboard would appear", and the in-app "Success/Failure/Back" buttons" at their respective moments in the app. So at least they work in the viewer like they should.
The question is - should they work just as well in the Xcode ad-hoc install and/or the Test Flight install? On these two, the game takes an additional 4-5 secs to load, and I can see the Leaderboards behavior do its thing, but I can't see the in-app behavior work (there is no pop-up nor other behavior. This is the same unaltered code as used on GS and iOS Viewer.
Thanks, regards.
You need to sandbox test.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games , thanks for the response. I have the phone's sandbox enabled, and being the sole person in my "company" I am a Test Flight user. All else works as it should. I made a small mod to the zoo, playing a sound when the actor is tapped, so that part of the code is recognized. Should the popup window with the "real" option to remove ads appear (not the popup described in my first post)?
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
In sandbox mode you should get the complete transaction. Have you enabled and submitted the IAPs in itunes connect?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I believe I did, but I'm updating it to a more recent version, so I'll retest.
My Blog / App Store / Google Play