How to resize promo video
I made a promo video for my app Draw It! and I am trying to upload it onto the AppStore page but it has to be 1200x900. I tried cropping it to 1200x900 in a video editing software but it cuts of most of the video. Does anyone know any good video editing softwares where you can resize the video without having to crop it?
You'll need to do letterboxing or something like that.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
App show
I'd probably try HandBrake to resize an existing video. It's pretty straightforward if your current video is the same aspect ratio.
I use App Show as well, it is amazing and not complicated. || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Thanks! @GeorgeGS HandBrake worked perfectly.
Oh you just wanted to shrink the size overall. Aka scale it down. I usually do that in either Final cut Pro or Motion.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
handbreak, oh yeah off course, of forgot about it completely! handbrake really works well!