Custom score font on windows creator
Hello everyone!
I've been searching for custom highscore font tutorial for windows creator, but it seems like its not working for windows creator, because i've done everything correctly but it still shows blank picture.
Could please someone provide me with an easy tutorial for windows creator?
Much appreciated
Is it blank as in no images? It should atleast display zero. Post your code specifically the expression.
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The reason your getting a blank image, is because your not constraining the self image to the right image.
we have a free custom font template
in the images section, you'll see all the images are named accordingly, and in the expression editor for the constrain image, the image name is named accordingly.
it should be the same for both mac and windows.
You can also try my super-simple custom fonts method - it's literally a case of drag the actor from my project to yours, then make 2 changes that take 5 seconds.
Be sure to watch the video.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Yes, it would be nice, but i am Windows GS user and i cant open 2 projects at the same time.
Can you run multiple instances of GameSalad, like explained in this link? Sorry I have no experience of Windows GameSalad.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Wooo hoooo, it is working now, well at least the basics.
So now i'll just have to find a way, how to remove all those zeros and keep the necessary amount only.