UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities issue
When submitting an updated app we come up with the following issue.
"The app's Info.plist can't contain values for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key that would prevent this app from opening on any iOS device. For more information, see Understanding the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities Key."
The previous version of our app (called ABC Magic Phonics) was built by another developer not using gamesalad.
I saw another discussion on this and it said to create a new app. This is a problem because we can't just start over as the old app has over 50 reviews to it. Starting over would effectively waste all those reviews.
Is there a version of gamesalad that would allow us to bypass this error? If so how can we open our newer .13.36 version on an older version. Can anything be done that we are missing? Hopefully this error can be fixed.
If the app wasn't built in game salad then you can't open it in game salad.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Preschoolu The only UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities that is required by GS is armv7. Your previous version of the app most likely had armv6 specified (in order to support iPhone / iPhone 3G (support for those devices were dropped with armv7) - you can check this by comparing the info in info.plist for you two app versions. You are not allowed (by Apple) to restrict updates to existing apps by newer UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities specifications - only by requiring a newer iOS version (one which does not support for iPhone 3G, like iOS 7 would then solve your problem).
In short, these are the options you have with GS right now:
Wait until the GS team makes it possible to specify a newer minimum iOS version (during publishing) than iOS 6 - then specify iOS 7 and publish a new update. I know many people would like the possibility to manually select minimum iOS versions during publishing (including myself).
Release it as a new app (the option you don't want)
Hi JSProject.. Thanks for your quick response.. Is it possible to take our current gamesalad app and open it with an older version of gamesalad that supports armv6? Will it then update correctly?
np and nope
This may be an unpopular opinion, but those reviews were not for the gamesalad version of the app and would be a little misleading to new users. A new app would probably be for the best anyway. Just my 2 cents.
Personally I agree with that statement for this specific case but I think you can appreciate the value in being able to specify a different (newer) iOS version than iOS 6 during publishing. Both iPhone 3gs and iPod touch 4g can run iOS 6 and those are devices with 256 MB RAM (of which less than half can be used by an app in practice).
We must support those devices according to Apple (as long as iOS 6 is the minimum iOS version) and bigger apps will simply crash if we attempt to run them on those devices (without spending massive time to "dumb them down").
A possibility to being able to select iOS 7 (if we want) as minimum iOS version during publishing would solve this problem.
Well the reason we updated to gamesalad for updating this app is because of its multi-platform component as well as making it easier to program some of the very simple features of our app. In terms of how the app looks, it is the same as the previous with a new added game and new added features. If anything the use of Gamesalad and our update will help improve the reviews of our current app based on what we added recently. We could start fresh but it could be difficult to raise the awareness of our app again. We are reaching students under the age of 5 for educational purposes. Being able to continue to reach our audience without starting over would be ideal at this point. Hopefully theres a fix for this.
hope is the last thing to die (along with herpes)
@JSproject A few months ago we were allowed to select the minimum iOS version during publishing, but for some reason it got taken out and locked in.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Because it used to be a simple plist change, but now that doesn't work properly which is why you can't change it when publishing.
We're looking into it.
Great. Thanks looking into it
Please i need help too, im suck with this too.
here is my info.plist
For issues like this use the blue chat bubble and contact the team.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Are you sure that's the plist from a GameSalad published app? It's missing some GameSalad specific keys I would expect to be there and has a key I would not expect to be there.
If it is a GameSalad project you'll need to be more specific about the issue you're having since this thread is from last year and as far as I know the issue is resolved. You might make a new thread about your specific issue, or use the question mark at the lower right.
@GeorgeGS, In the top left corner of the screen shot it says its Unity.
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