Spawn new actor!
Hey guys! In my current game i want the same actor to spawn when the other actor disappears. So when actor no.1 flies away and is outside the screen i want actor no.2 to spawn, but with the same rules and behaviors. Anyone who can help me with this? Thanks!
It should be as simple as you've described it . .
In actor 1, have a rule that says:
When position is outside the screen
--Destroy this actor
--Spawn another copy of this actor somewhere on the screen
Yes, but i want it to spawn on the exact same spot as the one before was on from the beginning.
hmm i would go this way:
Create an empty Actor and set Alpha to 0
-new Global Attribute: ActorDied - true
if Att: Actor died = true
spawn Actor "Your Actor"
-change attribute "ActorDied" = false
The Actor "Your Actor" with
two possibilities:
if actor X and Y is out of Screen
-Destroy actor
-change Attribute "ActorDied" = true
if "Your Actor" collide with Wall (a wall outside the Screen)
same as 1
You would simply enter the relevant X and Y positions into the two X and Y position fields.