Looking to partner up ( Creating the next big hit game - 90.1 % success)

Hi guys,

Firstly, would like to introduce myself to everyone, i'm new to game salad but i've been playing games for over 10+ years, so i decided to make a change, instead to produce a game, and currently, i'm building a new game similiar to flappy bird but tweaked in a way that it's very addictive and you can't stop it once you click play game. It could even make you play the whole day without having your food. It's a combination of flappy bird + kungfu panda if you heard of it. My current idea is inspired by these two. But i've having difficulties coping with the rules and timer including generating random actors from a fixed area. I already have all the graphics needed, it's very little graphics but high replay rate once created. So i need someone who is very good in these

  1. spawning multiple actors from right to left and left to right including they're moving one way direction with random time + random speed increased over time +

  2. able to do combos such as destroying 2-3 actors ( same actors ) -> combo text displayed -> score calculated +

  3. doing power ups such as being invincible for 2-3 seconds once collected the item to activate it.

  4. able to create a health bar + if getting hit by certain actor -> health reduce + power ups to recover the health

Those are some of it, as the idea is revolving every now and thn. I'm getting it to be tweaked more until it's at the best state.

But of cause i won't be letting you doing everything alone, once the game is launched in the store, i'll manage all the social platforms such as making a forum,website,fanpage, i'll package all of these, i already have some of it set up already. all you need to do is to code those in the gamesalad by following my idea. Providing that you've shipped a game before to ios/android and you know all the specs needed to be ship to different device. And you're able to do the above, thn please contact me, we can have a discussion. And trust me, i've been spending more than 16 hours per day and sleeping less than 3-4 hours just to come up with a perfect idea of a combination of flappy and kungfu panda. I did play around with gamesalad to come up with the idea.

If you're up for it, do contact me at my email @ jijijamesjames007@gmail.com or over here, i don't mind partner up with 1-2 people. Including the staffs over here. If the game is a big success which i've huge faith in. The credits goes to you and game salad of cause, i won't claim any credits for it. Since i'm not the one coding it. If you can do all the above i mentioned, do contact me, i will share my ideas. and We will make it big !!!

Thanks guys for reading. I hope i'll receive a response soon. Do provide your name and your experience so i know.


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    What remuneration are you offering?

  • JSprojectJSproject Member Posts: 730

    "Looking to partner up ( Creating the next big hit game - 90.1 % success)"
    It's too bad that the chance off success isn't 90.2 % - then you would have had my full attention and devotion (I would even have thrown in some fine Apples just for good measure) but now I will just move along instead and forget that I ever read this and I will not look back. Good luck though ;)

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @JSproject said:
    "Looking to partner up ( Creating the next big hit game - 90.1 % success)"
    It's too bad that the chance off success isn't 90.2 % - then you would have had my full attention and devotion

    I have much higher standard, I won't get involved unless we are talking 90.4% +

    Either way, it's always good to know how well something will do before it's made.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @Armelline said:
    What remuneration are you offering?

    Free coins on level 4.

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

    If my math us correct you need the last 3 percent to make any money. So 90.1 will not do.

  • GnarlyGnarly canadaMember Posts: 840

    I love youthful enthusiasm.
    If your that confident in its success learn how to make it yourself. There are YouTube videos on basic angry birds.

    Or save up and pay someone. It probably won't take a dev very long to put it together.

    Best of luck. Someone has to win the lottery.

  • LovejoyLovejoy Member Posts: 2,078

    Let's just be honest, let's just be real

    That hook popped into my head after reading this.

    Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una

  • tintrantintran Member Posts: 453
    edited September 2015

    I think this will be good practice for me...
    I think i could do 1,3, and 4,
    2 will be brand new to me as i have never created any game with attacks or i am not sure what your hero will use to destroy enemies.

    I emailed you.
    let me know.

    I am curious as to how you came up with 90.1 percent though hehe

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