All image files missing
in Tech Support
Help. My game file image just got missing. How do I retrieve it back? The game is almost finish and now this happens. Please help!
Do you have a recent back up of your game - or do you just work on one file ?
Can you right click the game file, then click show package contents, click the images folder and take a screenshot of that please.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
If you by some chance ever showed package contents and dragged them out of that package this can happen. Search also your entire Mac for "images"....look for a folder called images and if you find one...look inside. If that's it copy and paste it back into your package folder. I made this mistake once. Not saying that's the issue but it could be.
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I've had this happen a few times over the years.... Seems to happen sometimes if you move the GameSalad project file to a different location on your hard drive... Sometimes it can lose the links to the images. Like others have said, dragging the images back into the images folder in the package contents usually fixes it...
Thanks. I give it a try.