[Solved] I can't kill my actor. :(
I am a noob to gamesalad and am uber stoked about making a game. However I don't know squat other than how to play them. I have watched the beginning tutorial videos 3 times and for some reason i can't get the destroy command to work on my main actor when it collides with my second actor- which was lava in the video. Its like a glitch. Any help?
Could you show a screenshot of the rules that are not working? Would be much easier to help solved the issue.
Mental Donkey Games
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In your main actor, set up a Rule, stating that "if Actor overlaps or collides with actor of type Lava"... (drag in the Destroy behaviour) ..."Destroy this actor".
Assuming both actors are on the screen, and can collide, this should do the trick...
From what I can remember there are instances when collision doesn't work properly or at all. I believe it was when you're dragging an actor around. There may be others.
But as others have said above, screenshots or more details on your rules will help identify the problem easier.
The collision behavior will not work correctly if actors are being moved through the use of an Interpolate Behavior. The Interpolate Behavior works outside of the normal physics engine.
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Thanks for the help peeps. It turned out that my actor was just a bugged actor. So when I deleted it and made a new one, now collision works and it destroys. Thanks for your help! This community rocks!
Hi, i am new to GameSalad. Though this case had been solved by making a new actor, i'd like to share what i think to be somewhat similar case. In my case, it was because the Lava's attribute called "Collission Shape" was accidentally set to "Circle". It had made the collission effect "not working properly" (i.e.: it couldnt work when it wasnt touching the center point of the Lava). After i set it back into "Rectangle", it worked all fine. I am sharing this info cos at first i also thought it was a bugged actor too.