Can't add another build to iTunes Connect because I can't change build version
Hey guys,
I have uploaded one build to iTunes connect and had been testing with TestFlight.
Now, after fixing some things I am trying to upload the new build for testing and then if it works completely I will use that build to submit.
However, when I try to add the new version with Application Loader, it says there is already a build with the version 1.0 so it won't let me update this one.
I'd like to know how to change the build version so I can upload the new one.
I've tried changing it during the publishing process at It's been version 1.0 and I tried changing to 1.0.1 and to 2.0 and neither have worked. It still says "Version 1.0" in Application Loader.
I'm sure it's obvious but I can't find it.
@Daniel543M no we cant change build no , already created feature request long time ago , for now change in itunes, instead of 1.0 you release 1.01 as a first release ,so meke sure your version number in and in itunes is same,
example 1.01 in and in itunes 1.01,
again if u change some thing and want to upload new build again ,update in both places to 1.02
FEATURE REQUEST: add the ability to define the build number in addition to the version number ,please Vote to get it .
Ok, I understand.
Thank you very much
Sorry I have one last question, say if everything works in this second version (1.0.1) does that mean it will be uploaded to the App Store as version 1.0.1 because I sort of want the version on the App Store to be version 1.0
@Daniel543M no chance now, if you want you have to create new app, that is why i always start with .6 or something less than 1 ,if i am ready i will submit 1.0.
Well that's pretty damn annoying....
@Daniel543M Vote to get it .
@Daniel543M no no....I pretty certain you tell itunes what version you want to call it like 1.0 Regardless of what build version you upload from GS portal say 1.01 or 1.02....when apple releases it Im pretty sure it will be what you fill in in itunes (1.0). Am I wrong?
Here is an example. My build I chose to release was a 1.01 but I told itunes to cal it 1.0
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Geez WTF is wrong with this site?
Ill have to post here again because I cant delete an image.
Notice build 1.01
Relase 1.0
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I tried to click qoute to show what Nimblebug said but is sends me to the top of this thread instead...and I cant delete images.
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@Thunder_Child that is awesome i don't know that ,thanks for the info.