Preview Problems - Saving Before Previewing

tholdertholder Member, PRO Posts: 15

I keep having an issue when previewing my game.
It doesn't matter what I'm trying to preview, but when I go into the preview mode nothing is happening unless I mouse click the preview window first, then it will work. It won't work at all if I haven't saved the project first. If I Ctrl+S to save using the shortcut it won't play properly in preview mode either. I have to physically go to the file menu and choose "save". Then when I go into preview mode, I have to click the play screen first then everything works. Is this normal? It seems rather annoying and buggy.


  • GeorgeGSGeorgeGS Member, PRO Posts: 478

    The native preview doesn't use your saved project at all, it exports what's currently in memory to your temp directory and runs the engine there. You might try cleaning the temp directory out and see if it helps, it does tend to accumulate a lot of leftover stuff over time. Windows+R, type %temp% in the box to open it up in explorer.

    There is a current issue where you may need to click the window before it will recognize keystrokes. It's something we're working on fixing.

    Ctrl+S and File->Save use the same code so it doesn't make sense that one would work and the other would not unless there's something else intercepting the key.

  • tholdertholder Member, PRO Posts: 15

    Thanks George. I emptied out the temp stuff and it was jam packed with crap, about 11gb worth of stuff! Still having a weird issue though with a little AI I set up with a tutorial I'm working on. It's one of the tutorials from the GS for teens book. Don't know if you know about it. I set a timer for one of my actors to continuously move up and down. It was working and now it's not moving when I preview it. It's not shooting missiles on its own anymore either. Both included timers. I never changed the logic. Any ideas why it would stop??

  • GeorgeGSGeorgeGS Member, PRO Posts: 478

    Yeah, temp directories get so messy. :)

    I'm not familiar with the book, but if everything looks right and just isn't working we can take a look. If you click on the question mark in the lower right you can send a message to customer service with either the publishing link or attach a zipped up copy of the project and we can see if we can figure it out.

  • webhostbuilderwebhostbuilder Member, PRO Posts: 9

    I have been having the same issue. Sometimes I have to close the player and start it again until it works. Sometimes 2 or 3 times

  • tholdertholder Member, PRO Posts: 15

    I can close and reopen the player countless times and it still won't work. I'm going to attach a copy of the project so you guys can check it out.

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