The only way I really know of is setting up an account with ChartBoost and changing your ChartBoost settings to video interstitial ads, with a high priority. Unfortunately, GameSalad does not offer video reward ads yet...
So basically what i need is 2 banners and a video ad. I would like to place one at the top and other at the bottom but the video ad is optional and watch only if you want to receive any coins.
Is that possible?
Why it is not possible to have 2 banners? Because i've seen on some of games like flappy bird that they have 2 banners at the same time.
About video ads - Basically, if a video pops up, you can only exit it after 20 seconds or something like that, so just make a rule which gives certain amount of coins if the button is pressed and if the button is pressed then a video pops up which you can't exit before those 20 or 30 seconds.
Word of advice .. make sure your app is gonna extremely addictive if you're gonna have 30 second ads. I've seen apps that are semi good but get horrible ratings because of video ads
@http_gamesalad said:
Word of advice .. make sure your app is gonna extremely addictive if you're gonna have 30 second ads. I've seen apps that are semi good but get horrible ratings because of video ads
I've thought about it for weeks, how to not scare away users, so that's why video ads are optional. If they don't want to get coins, then they don't have to watch it and it will never, ever pop without them wanting it.
But anyway, if They say that it is not possible to do it, then there's no point of adding them which is really sad because it would get me some extra revenue
I truly apologize for making another post about video ads, but i just cant get this off my mind and i need to settle it.
So would it be possible to create a button which pops up a video which is closable only after certain amount of seconds?
I know that there are video ads which are only closable after 30 seconds. So that gave me an idea about this.
Reward player with coins as soon as he presses the button because when the video ad pops up, he has to wait those 30 seconds to get back to the game.
This is just an idea, but i cant get it off my mind because a part of my brain thinks that it could work.
In theory it sounds as though it could work - but as was stated in your other thread it is against Chartboost's TOS, so you could well find your account closed down and no payment for all your troubles.
Hopefully GS will implement reward videos soon - as it's something that a lot of us are currently crying out for!
@DigiChain said:
In theory it sounds as though it could work - but as was stated in your other thread it is against Chartboost's TOS, so you could well find your account closed down and no payment for all your troubles.
Hopefully GS will implement reward videos soon - as it's something that a lot of us are currently crying out for!
Well, at least you settled my mind. It is very sad, but what can you do. So i guess that ill just have to get revenue from one small add at the bottom of my screen. Damn, that hurts.
In theory you can do it, but if chartboost runs out of ads, and the player clicks the button, he gets his reward instantly. And on top of that you also have the chartboost TOS.
This is the same issue I'm having. Chartboost stops showing videos after about 5. Then needs to wait some period of time before allowing more to show. GS needs to support Incentivized Ads or an Ad mediation service so we can make money since getting people to purchase IAP is tough as is Paid apps. I would also bet the main players of games created with GS don't own a credit card.
tatiangMember, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-ChefPosts: 11,949
When putting video ads in your game, always create a second campaign in chadtboost that shows regular interstitial at a lower priority. This way a regular ad will show if no video is available.
The only way I really know of is setting up an account with ChartBoost and changing your ChartBoost settings to video interstitial ads, with a high priority. Unfortunately, GameSalad does not offer video reward ads yet...
Is there any tutorial, how to do it?
Set up chartboost like this:
But when you set the ad type in chartboost, set it to "video interstitial" instead of "static interstitial"
Mental Donkey Games
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So basically what i need is 2 banners and a video ad. I would like to place one at the top and other at the bottom but the video ad is optional and watch only if you want to receive any coins.
Is that possible?
Thanks in advance
You can only have one banner ad, and rewarded video ads are not yet supported in GS.
Mental Donkey Games
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Why it is not possible to have 2 banners? Because i've seen on some of games like flappy bird that they have 2 banners at the same time.
About video ads - Basically, if a video pops up, you can only exit it after 20 seconds or something like that, so just make a rule which gives certain amount of coins if the button is pressed and if the button is pressed then a video pops up which you can't exit before those 20 or 30 seconds.
But that is just my theory and maybe i'm wrong.
Word of advice .. make sure your app is gonna extremely addictive if you're gonna have 30 second ads. I've seen apps that are semi good but get horrible ratings because of video ads
I've thought about it for weeks, how to not scare away users, so that's why video ads are optional. If they don't want to get coins, then they don't have to watch it and it will never, ever pop without them wanting it.
But anyway, if They say that it is not possible to do it, then there's no point of adding them which is really sad because it would get me some extra revenue
There is a feature request for the rewarded video ads, and it's already been confirmed. So it's coming at some point.
Mental Donkey Games
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But how about the technique i mentioned above? Would it be possible to do it?
I truly apologize for making another post about video ads, but i just cant get this off my mind and i need to settle it.

So would it be possible to create a button which pops up a video which is closable only after certain amount of seconds?
I know that there are video ads which are only closable after 30 seconds. So that gave me an idea about this.
Reward player with coins as soon as he presses the button because when the video ad pops up, he has to wait those 30 seconds to get back to the game.
This is just an idea, but i cant get it off my mind because a part of my brain thinks that it could work.
I guess it could work, but it's against the Chartboost tos.
Mental Donkey Games
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Why so?
In theory it sounds as though it could work - but as was stated in your other thread it is against Chartboost's TOS, so you could well find your account closed down and no payment for all your troubles.
Hopefully GS will implement reward videos soon - as it's something that a lot of us are currently crying out for!
Well, at least you settled my mind. It is very sad, but what can you do.
So i guess that ill just have to get revenue from one small add at the bottom of my screen. Damn, that hurts. 
well if it put it like that then thats a great idea !
In theory you can do it, but if chartboost runs out of ads, and the player clicks the button, he gets his reward instantly. And on top of that you also have the chartboost TOS.
This is the same issue I'm having. Chartboost stops showing videos after about 5. Then needs to wait some period of time before allowing more to show. GS needs to support Incentivized Ads or an Ad mediation service so we can make money since getting people to purchase IAP is tough as is Paid apps. I would also bet the main players of games created with GS don't own a credit card.
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When putting video ads in your game, always create a second campaign in chadtboost that shows regular interstitial at a lower priority. This way a regular ad will show if no video is available.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Thanks @Lovejoy!
So why exactly it is against chartboost's terms of service?
The method you mentioned was discussed some time ago in another thread, and i think it was @Dan_Chartboost that explained why it´s against the rules.
I can´t find the thread right now, but if Dan sees this, maybe he can explain it again.
Mental Donkey Games
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So i guess that i'll have to continue game without it.
And about those 2 banners at the top and bottom - why i cant make 2 banners at the same scene?