Monthly GameSalad Meetup Thursday October 1 2015 at 7pm CST (01:00 GMT)
Topic: Springs in GameSalad
Come learn about GameSalad and meet other GameSalad creators. Chat with some of the developers behind GameSalad, including GameSalad's own Steve Jakab (a.k.a stevej), Alan Uthoff (a.k.a. BlackCloakGS), Tan Tran (a.k.a. adent42)
RThurman will be presenting talk about:
In 1660 Robert Hooke invented the watch spring so that people didn’t have to rely on pendulum clocks to tell time. In so doing, he came up with Hooke’s Law – the law of springiness. Then he got mad and had a big fight with Isaac Newton over who invented gravity so everybody decided to forget about him. But they couldn’t forget his law of elasticity! Now Hooke’s law is used everywhere! This presentation will show how to use Hooke’s Law to make your actors come alive with elasticity. You will see how to make buttons jiggle like Jello, sliders move like they’re attached to rubber bands, and the camera shake like an earthquake. (Hooke was really into earthquakes!)
We might even see a demonstration on how to make a bobble-head doll! (Hooke would be so proud!)
If you can't join us in person, join us online
Awesome subject! Will do my best to attend.
Mental Donkey Games
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Looking forward to it!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Should be interesting! When @RThurman has something to say, I definitely intend to listen!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Sounds fun! I want a bobble head in Creator!
Looking forward to it!
Don't forget to RSVP on the meetup page or the online page to get a friendly reminder when the meetup starts.
Great. I can put presidential candidate's faces on it for an election game.
Reminder this is tomorrow
Awesome - Looking forward to it. I took a break from working on my games, so this will be the first meetup I've been to in 8 months.
The meet up will be starting in 20 min
Here are some example files for the meet up.
Superb job @RThurman! I love learning new things!
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Thanks @Armelline!
GameSalad is a great product for exploring stuff like this.
Great GS Meetup tonight and I learned about adding Hooke's springiness to GS actors. Thanks for practical examples and opening my mind!
@RThurman truly brilliant stuff! I'm going to use that method often.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Okay so some people were asking last night for a file that can access playstogether. here is a file you can open in the current stable creator build. DO NOT try to change the multiplayer option from plays together or you will lose the option! I've also included a PDF of the overview of the new behaviors, functions and tables Gamesalad provided in a thread. be warned they are not instructions but define and explain what each thing is and does.
link to plays together to set up an account
Good luck!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
use this file sorry
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@RThurman fantastic presentation! I'm thinking of different ways to incorporate these ideas into all my games.
Thanks @RThurman I am going to use your techniques in my next game.
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
Check out our other GameSalad exclusives.
@RThurman Great stuff that I didn't have a clue about, clearly explained and easily understood. Thank you.
@paul.light, @uptimistik, @Lost_Oasis_Games, @grishlock, @robertkdale,
Thanks guys. I am glad you found it useful.
GameSalad is a pretty amazing product for exploring simulations like these.
Many people think that the genius of GameSalad is in its use of drag and drop behaviors. And while that's probably true, a little exploration shows that its real power is manifest in that tiny little expression editor found in many of the standard actions/behaviors.
@RThurman sounds really interesting! Sorry, I missed it live. Where can I watch the presentation?
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That would be a question for @ForumNinja. He posts our meetup videos.
@bktennis12 You can watch it here:
I am still looking for a presenter for next month. Anyone want to do a physics talk about physics attributers and behaviors?
Just watched the talk, brilliant stuff ! It was great getting a little background on ol' captain hooke too
Which state is this located in?
The meetup is held in Austin Tx
Hmmm.... well I guess you can see Capt. Hook discover the spring effect about 20 seconds into the video.

I just found this three weeks later. You should have only put the first 30 seconds there... because I was compelled to watch the whole thing.
Now I'm off to YouTube to see if I can find the whole movie... except I'm supposed to watch today's Meetup, then work on my apps.
Don't distract me like that, I already have enough trouble focusing!