I want your opinion on my game!
Hey guys , after 4 months of leaving my game i'm finally back to complete it ! I made a change in the first level still not done though , but wanted your opinion.
This is the first version
This is the second version , I changed the background and added footstep sound , I want to know if its annoying or not
I still wish to finish a game atleast , but it just got boring and left it for months ! I hope I finish this one soon , any feed back would be great. I also wanted to mention how gamesalad improved since I last used it , I'v been using it for a while and it never crashed, !
It looks entertaining!
I think there's a lot going on visually with the parallax background. You might either simplify the background imagery or make it lighter/dimmer so that it doesn't interfere with the gameplay. The first version is a bit easier on the eyes. The buttons at the bottom look huge but it's possible they look okay on an actual device.
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I like the footstep sounds.
It looks to be very easy. Is it going to be harder with level up?
@tatiang thanks for your feedback, your right the buttons look huge but on the device its easier to control , and plays smooth.
@gattoman Thanks , i think im the only one annoyed with the footstep sound
@stefdelec yea its easy because it only the first level in the game , it gets harder after the first few levels , and thanks for your feedback !
@tatiang thanks for your feedback, your right the buttons look huge but on the device its easier to control , and plays smooth.
@gattoman Thanks , i think im the only one annoyed with the footstep sound
@stefdelec yea its easy because it only the first level in the game , it gets harder after the first few levels , and thanks for your feedback !
Great work, looks smooth and like you took some time making it.
I see nothing amazing about it, whats your oomph? What makes it better than every other game?
But who am i to say sometimes simple works better
@fadamion Thanks alot for your comment ! I really dont think there is anything special in it or different to make it better than other platformer games , but I know that its a game I'd love to play cause its simple. But never really asked my self this question before, thanks for your feedback again !
I like the looks of the game. It seems fun, and looks like it runs smooth too. The controls on the screen looks a bit big, but otherwise great! Also, someone mentioned the parallax. I really like what you've done with it, but I'd actually make them a bit more dimmer or lighter too. Otherwise awesome job!
Nice graphics! I personally prefer the previous background, because the tall trees give it a really majestic and mysterious feel, which is lost in the new version.
Footsteps are good, and especially in the totality of the sounds they blend in nicely. They would be annoying if it was the only/loudest sound, but the way it is, works for me.
One suggestion: it might be good to also add a sound for jumping, especially since you have double jump. It will give the player a better connection to the controls and can also help a bit with perfectly timing double jumps (which is what you got stuck on in video #1, I know you adjusted it now, but still, the sound could be a nice addition, at least worth trying).
I'm not bothered by the button size at all, especially when watching the video on an iPhone, they seem to be a really comfortable size. Granted, I prefer larger controls that respond well than tiny ones which might not be as responsive.
Personally I really like the second gameplay trailer with foot step sounds....I would even recommend a seperate jump sound as well.
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@pHghost @Thunder_Child thanks alot , I did add the jumping sound and its better now
but the problem was all of my graphics were messed up on the device so I had to re do them all properly here is the result
anyone knows how to do a jump on enemy ? i have it so that when it collides with enemy health is changed to health - 1 , dont know how to make a bounce on top of the enemy to kill it, I tried to constrain the player bottom and the enemy top but it did not work either, if anyone has an idea please tell me , thanks , and thank you guys for your feedback
Looking good!
Try this rule on the enemy actor:
When all conditions are valid:
-When heros position Y => self.position Y + self.size height/2 + heros height/2
-Collides with hero
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I use - when actor collides with enemy and linear velocity y < 0
or sometimes <5 just to be sure. Then I get this to trigger a game.attribute 'jumpattack', and in the enemy I have - if enemy collides with hero and 'jumpattack' is true, destroy.
thanks alot @frd @NipaDidIt
Works well with the jump sound!
I am finally getting closer to finishing my game , 7 levels left , here is a little game play ,
Nice, you did some great work with the obstacles and enemies. Do you have boss battles in it or a final boss?
@GameAlchemist thanks , yes 4 worlds each has 9 levels and a boss
Looks Great!
@BazookaTime Thanks
appreciate it .
Looks great ! appears to play very smoothly with excellent timing of animations and movement, sound effects and music spot-on too.
Maybe have an option for smaller buttons and or hiding/transparency.
@tmann thanks alot , the buttons might look big on the video but on device its perfect. Thanks for your feedback , ill put an option for size and transparency.
Main menu , im excited iv been going at it for months now , its a bit long , I should have stopped at 20 seconds lol
Title screen looks cool! I would add a few more things... Maybe items or a few more baddies. Looks really good and I am looking forward to playing it! Make sure you put it on GS Arcade though!
@jdlcrater thanks, when I see it now your right I should add more things , I was excited cause this is the hardest part for me , I'll put it on GS Arcade if they fix the bugs , cause my game doesnt work well on html5, thanks again for the feedback.