How to create a clicker game that earns dosh while the app is closed?

So I wanted to make a clicker game and I did fairly well and did not encounter any mistakes so far

However,there was one small teensy weeny problem,for it to be an actual clicker game,I want it to earn money when the app closed from buildings and stuff

Any idea how to do this?and if I if possible,can I add something like uhhh decreased efficency for "idle earning"(eg.closing the app makes only 50% of points from cps)

Do reply as I searched far and wide for a tutorial but did not manage to find one :(


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited September 2015

    There are free was of monitoring the duration of app closures, though reportedly they do not function properly any more. This thread has examples by @RThurman and by @tatiang.

    There are also several paid templates that do what you need, including mine, which has been tested recently, on both iOS and Android, and which fully accounts for leap years etc. It can be purchased here:

    Having tried all the options, free and paid, I recommend @tatiang's if you want to try free, and mine is by far the easiest and most flexible if you're willing to pay. (I made it because there wasn't anything I considered good enough available.)

    If you're willing to wait and want to do it yourself, I do plan to make a tutorial walking through how to make a cookie clicker type game soon. Hopefully in the next week.

  • GreenmakerGreenmaker Member Posts: 9

    Ok thx
    So im not sure if this answers my question though
    If you mention that they do not function properly anymore
    The question is:Do they still work to an extent?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @kim.weihao said:
    Ok thx
    So im not sure if this answers my question though
    If you mention that they do not function properly anymore
    The question is:Do they still work to an extent?

    I provided free options that do what you want, but that have been reported to not function correctly any more (I've not tried them recently, but they worked great when I last tried them). I cannot tell you to what extent they work, you'll need to try them for yourself.

    I also offered you options for paid versions that definitely do work. If you'd rather not pay, that's entirely understandable, but you'll need to be prepared to put more work in to adapt the free versions.

  • GreenmakerGreenmaker Member Posts: 9

    Thank you very much,I guess it should do :)

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