How to make an object move?
I'm new at gamesalad and I'm trying to figure out the basics and learn the program.
How do I make an object move to the right by tapping on the right part of the screen?
I also want to do this for every direction, but I figure if I get one side down, then it'll be pretty easy to figure out the rest
There are many tutorials on this site, information in the Cookbook, threads in this forum, and videos on YouTube (
is one chosen at random ) and many other places. In the GS creator, there are also sample games for you to open, explore, and discover. Have fun learning! 
thats really a question you shouldn't ask and rather figure out by the material already available or try and error. just my humble opinion.
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Hi, I have a bunch of free tutorials at my websites and youtube channles that will help you learn the basics of Gamesalad. They are all listed in my signature if you want to check them out. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page