game menu
hello i want to make a menu so you can walk in the menu with your charcter to ohter levels but i dont no how help??
Best Answer
RabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Posts: 956
By the look of it, I think they are asking for a level selection like this,
Can you be a little more specific?
What does that mean walk in the menu?
This is like his theirs thread asking this and he hasn't provided any more details in any of the threads. Sounds like he is starting a little to ambitious.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
They just joined today so that might be a bit much for a starting project.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
This is very true.
That's probably what he/she wants. You could do that. That will take some time to learn and do. Start with a easy menu and learn. You can Always add that later.
thanks for your answers