Can't Sign Mac App (not iOS)

DevirosDeviros Member, PRO Posts: 87

Hello everyone!

I know that similar variations of this question have been asked multiple times, but i'm not getting anywhere with those answers, so it's time to present my actual issue and see if anyone can help.

So far I have:

Revoked ALL Mac developer certificates and removed them from my Keychain.
Removed my original CSR/Keys
Resigned a new CSR
Regenerated Mac Developer, Mac Store, and Mac Distribution Keys, and installed them
Generated a Provisioning Profile for the game in question, and installed it.

I am still able to sign this same game on iOS with no trouble, which is good but not really relevant.

Here's the error I receive when trying to sign:

Thank you for any help you can offer!

For the record, the only option i'm presented with when signing is this:

Which does strike me as odd, as I'm used to iOS apps having the fully-qualified identifier in that field, NOT the developer's certificate, but I realize that the Mac App store is different, so it may not be an issue.


  • DevirosDeviros Member, PRO Posts: 87

    I got it to work.

  • DevirosDeviros Member, PRO Posts: 87

    Just kidding - i wouldn't do that to anyone. Turns out it was an issue with beta of xCode 7 - the exceptional gamesalad tech support team assisted with identifying that issue.

    I hadn't realized that xCode 7 was out of beta, or i would have likely already installed it. Oh well, ce la vie!

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