How do I make a sliding menu?
I've been search the whole internet for this please help.
I want to slide my scene by touch/mouse so I can hold more information in one scene.
I'd make a few samples, but non of them are working smooth and precisely.
Can you help me?
Put your scene and take its x position for sliding starting position and sliding ending position
put a rule to that bg
if touch
self position x > 230 (i just dont know what is 230 but this is your first scene position your position must be 231 or 232 bigger than this one)
change attribute
self actor - motion - velocity - x - to -200
this will move your actor left
then put new rule
if touch
slef position x < 30 (this is your second x position where your second actor stop - 1. so your second scene position must be 29 or 30 not sure)
change attribute
self actor - motion - velocity - x to 200
put another rule change it to any (not all at the top of the rule you must change it any)
attriube self position < 30
attribute self position > 230
change attribute
self actor - motion - velocity - x to 0
this must slide your background but i am not sure i didint check it on the gamesalad.
Unfortunately it don't work
. The page can move when I click, but then It won't stop and don't react on my mouse.
You didn't say I have to make any attributes, is that true?
Do you know how I can do this correctly?
If you're looking for the answer, I found it. The Guru has a tutorial from it: