I remember the GameSalad team saying not long ago that video ads are an option for at least one network - but that it's a checkbox. You either have video ads, or you have static interstitials. You can't have a mix of both.
@Armelline said:
I remember the GameSalad team saying not long ago that video ads are an option for at least one network - but that it's a checkbox. You either have video ads, or you have static interstitials. You can't have a mix of both.
I remember that too and though they were going to work on videos ads at some point but as we know right now they are doing the heavy lifting of bugs and scene load times.
@Lost_Oasis_Games said:
I thought I remembered seeing blackcloakgs say you could use them a month or so ago.
Yeah, me too. I'm certain he corrected someone who was saying they couldn't be used. But looks like he's confirmed it as long ago as nearly a year ago.
Edit: I remember the problem. A video ad =/= a video reward ad. GameSalad supports video ads, but not reward ads. You can do a fair approximation, but you can't confirm for certain the ad was watched.
@uptimistik said:
That's video interstitial, reward videos are a different ad type. They are not attached to a scene change, but are instead called upon by an attribute e.g to get a free extra life, watch a video. That is a different ad call to the interstitial.
Yes, I realised and edited as you were writing that My bad!
Developers can approximate in the meantime, though. Display an ad, check for 20 seconds that the screen isn't pressed, reward if it isn't, and if a touch is registered then don't reward. Not perfect, but better than nothing!
@uptimistik said:
Armelline GameAlchemist what if the person is interested in the ad and clicks on it and downloads the app, but when they go back to your game it doesn't reward them because they touched the screen? It needs to be the real reward video setup in order for it to work I'm afraid
My understanding is that when an ad is showing, the game doesn't register a touch. I may be mistaken, though, I'd have to test it.
From what I see most of us are either better at logic or better at art and usually suck at the other one. Very few people are good at both. I am very good at logical thinking but well below average in the artistic field. I spent a lot of time learning to draw in Inkscape and lifted my artistic skills from zero to a very basic level. I now pay people to do my art and use Gimp to do some small refinements if necessary.
Those who lean to the programming side of thinking will automatically get the basics quickly and improve their skills if they decide to continue. I always encourage everyone to get the basics straight away by watching the videos and reading the tutorials in the Cookbook. There are also the tutorial videos provided by the community to learn more advanced skills if they want to continue.
The artists among us will probably always struggle and not be very good at the programming side even though Creator is a drag and drop environment. I don't expect them to be, it just not the way they think. They can pay people like me and many others to do it for them just like I pay artists to do my art. The great news for them is they will be able to create if not all at least some of their game/s with Creator (Like I can create some of my art) where it would not be possible with other software. When they get stuck and feed up with it they can pay someone at a reasonable rate to do it for them. Just like I did when I get sick and tired of trying to get my art to look how I wanted it too.
I also realise a some people are not good at either one, and/or are lazy and want to make an app with no effort. If they stick around that will change I have seen it a few times. I do some work for a client who really struggles with the programming. The logic inside her projects is terrible and I get frustrated from time to time trying to explain the same things to her and I can hear the frustration in her voice trying to understand them. It is silly of me to get frustrated because I do realise she is not capable of programming like I am. She is artistic that's her thing and she can run rings around me when it comes to art.
I think art and programming are as important as each other to create a polished game that looks good and works well. I do find it interesting no one ever tells the non artists among us to get good at art. I realise that is probably because people hardly ever ask for help with art if they did they would probably get told to get better at it too. However I do think artists accept that most people can not do what they do where as programmers are less accepting of those who are not able to do what they do.
Geez @Lost_Oasis_Games I had to go and read yoir original post to know what the heck this thread had turned into...and thanks for the mention earlier about how I "became a major asset"....that means quite a bit from you...you are here by...no longer an A$$...in my book. Lol. So to answer or comment specifically on your thread topic...because I feel I can see where you were going with it and can apprciate this thread.
Yes YOU need to learn more all of us do...yes I would love to know several different ways to create a random, yet non repeating number function. Just the same as know several different ways to utilize gravity....which happens to be a gbiggie with me on one particular game...here is why.
Yes I can make a game level attribute of gravity...in a platform style game...but geez then I have to go and click every other actor I dont want to have gavity but not allowing it to move....but what if I made my one actor I do want to have gravity..have gravity. I dont have to try and go back to compensate gavity all other actors this way...this IS THE ONE THING I can say I learned from you most effective...is optimizing your code.
How you do one thing can affect another..and know a huge amount of alternate ways to do something from the beginning can help you out in the long run to...optimimizes that code from the beginning. I hope this is one of the things you meant from this thread...thats the jist I got from it and it is certainly true...I...The Iron Clad Thinderchild does need to learn more...
:-). Thanks for the post it keeps some of us mentally in check as to not keep horse blinders on when "coding logic"...but to keep in mind there can be many ways to create a function and it IS best to know more than one way.
@colander said:
From what I see most of us are either better at logic or better at art and usually suck at the other one. Very few people are good at both. I am very good at logical thinking but well below average in the artistic field. I spent a lot of time learning to draw in Inkscape and lifted my artistic skills from zero to a very basic level. I now pay people to do my art and use Gimp to do some small refinements if necessary.
I'm going through the opposite problem, lol, I spent a lot of time getting my logic building skills from zero to an average level, but even now 2 years later, I think I must have plateu'd half a year ago. I'm starting realize that I would cover more ground art-wise than programming wise.
It took me literally minutes to design a new character, but in those same minutes, I would accomplish minimal ground implementing a game mechanic, probably 7 hours just to complete a jump with adjustable propulsion based on how long a key is held.
I'm starting to think I should just prototype a game design, then let a real programmer or GS expert make an efficient, optimized version of what I made.
It's like I'm a character in a turn based game, with a strength{art} stat of 200, but a magic{game logic} stat that I got up to 30 from 0. Sure, 30 makes noticeable gain, and I can eventually defeat an enemy spamming a fireball with base 100 power. But it's inefficient and time consuming. In the time it took me to deal 3000 damage with magic, I could have done 20,000 damage with my better stat, and hired a real magician, with a magic stat of say 240, to deal 24,000 damage within that same time frame. And a third party member, say an archer{music} could have dealt an additional 18,000.
Thus a party of three dealt a total of 62,000 and shared in the loot, when by myself, I would have just dealt 23,000 total, and probably have to deal that same damage 2 more times to defeat a monster{development time} of 60,000 hp. Thus, the duel lasts 3 times longer.
@TWO.E said:
Theres no deny that you have made serval useful materials that some people have said have been useful. Which, for all the right reasons is great. What is not great, is the 10 posts (in the last few months) telling us how we are not professional unless we do X like you did. Or that you are such a valuable member because you X this. You might actually find that some of us just "don't care" and it just comes across as some ignorant person with too much time with a high need for attention and drama. (as shown in several other discussions).
It seems that because you haven't made it in this App Store world, does not mean others are not getting success if we don't use or follow your rules. I take a business approach and I get rewarded for it. That might be where our difference occur. Your not here for business but as a hobby. And there is nothing wrong with that. That is all. Take care.
I do this as a business as well. Like other vets on here I prefer the client route as it's make way more money than hoping for app store successes. I'm not talking about template mods or any such thing. I'm talking large brand clients. Last year I did a large enterprise app for dewars whiskey and now I'm working on a series of apps for a Disney Imagineer.
As I said as to Lost Osais games which is @Rp and I's game label,We have games out and I have two games 90% coded and need some art. he is very busy so I can wait for that.
Here is the business side. I play both ends against the middle. Games/apps are similar to the gold rush. See the people who made the most money during the gold rush were those who sold shovels, picks and wheel barrels not the miners. I make 5 figures doing client work. To make that on the app store you have to be somewhat lucky. With client work I make my own luck by having worked hard to obtain the skills to deliver the complex projects they require. So keep telling yourself I somehow envy your, or anyones success, if it helps you sleep at night.
You miss the whole point as others pointed out. My point is, if some suck like me can get to a level of success then anyone wanting to go the Game/App development route can too. The whole point is to inspire to dig in and work hard. Should I lie to people and just say "oh it's easy?" this is why many users go away discouraged because GS makes it seem like oh just drag and drop a few things and bam you'll be a success. This is deceptive and many people come in with false hope. That to me is mean.
@GameAlchemist said:
Let's all share our business strategies! For the community! @Lost_Oaisis_Games said:
See the people who made the most money during the gold rush were those who sold shovels, picks and wheel barrels not the miners
@Lost_Oasis_Games I see, yeah, it's best when people bring their skills together to make something a single person can't do alone. You must have great teamwork with RP to have two games nearly done.
@TWO.E said:
Simply stating what it is. No amount of justification will change the facts. Some agree others disagree. It is what it is. Doesn't affect anything but reputation. Take care.
You sound real successful there hombre.
Especially when lingering in threads that you crap in. Fish do that.
Well we already have one out called Puck It on all the platforms. It was featured for a couple weeks on apple in our gene sports/arcade and still does well on downloads even though we don't market it much. I also own a golden books series of characters we are going to revive when we have more time. We have a long term vision for what we want to do.
Yup and I am your worst nightmare (if you know me and what I do). I'm sure Two E is going to simply amaze me with his skills. Socially, I'm not impressed, but is cute to see him go out of his way to be a poop head.
@TWO.E said:
I am not sure where you plan on taking this thread with those comments, but I rather end it here. Got any problems you can always PM me.
Original Topic,
I get the blame for everything..lol I don't tell him what to say. We're not in the same room.. Heck I'm on the east coast and he is in LA. I imagine since I tagged him he read the thread and was pissed about the things you said about me which he knows aren't true.
Bacon is grrreeeat! Hell I even made a game about it. But alas, I have gone the veggie way. I wish I could have some damn good veggie bacon. Why can''t it just grown on stuff? Like out of my keyboard or something?
From what I see most of us are either better at logic or better at art and usually suck at the other one. Very few people are good at both. I am very good at logical thinking but well below average in the artistic field. I spent a lot of time learning to draw in Inkscape and lifted my artistic skills from zero to a very basic level. I now pay people to do my art and use Gimp to do some small refinements if necessary.
@uptimistik Thanks! Hope we get it soon.
I remember the GameSalad team saying not long ago that video ads are an option for at least one network - but that it's a checkbox. You either have video ads, or you have static interstitials. You can't have a mix of both.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I remember that too and though they were going to work on videos ads at some point but as we know right now they are doing the heavy lifting of bugs and scene load times.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
How to use Charboost video ads (Edit: video ads, not video reward ads - my bad!):
When you tick a "Display ad" checkbox in a scene change, it'll show a video instead of a static image ad.
Confirmation they work:
Reading every damn post obsessively does pay off
(sometimes... sometimes it just confuses you
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
I thought I remembered seeing blackcloakgs say you could use them a month or so ago.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yeah, me too. I'm certain he corrected someone who was saying they couldn't be used. But looks like he's confirmed it as long ago as nearly a year ago.
Edit: I remember the problem. A video ad =/= a video reward ad. GameSalad supports video ads, but not reward ads. You can do a fair approximation, but you can't confirm for certain the ad was watched.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Yes, I realised and edited as you were writing that
My bad!
Developers can approximate in the meantime, though. Display an ad, check for 20 seconds that the screen isn't pressed, reward if it isn't, and if a touch is registered then don't reward. Not perfect, but better than nothing!
I'm really not doing well with my posts today...
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
Well it's true that is better than nothing, guess I'll give that a try then. Thanks
My understanding is that when an ad is showing, the game doesn't register a touch. I may be mistaken, though, I'd have to test it.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
From what I see most of us are either better at logic or better at art and usually suck at the other one. Very few people are good at both. I am very good at logical thinking but well below average in the artistic field. I spent a lot of time learning to draw in Inkscape and lifted my artistic skills from zero to a very basic level. I now pay people to do my art and use Gimp to do some small refinements if necessary.
Those who lean to the programming side of thinking will automatically get the basics quickly and improve their skills if they decide to continue. I always encourage everyone to get the basics straight away by watching the videos and reading the tutorials in the Cookbook. There are also the tutorial videos provided by the community to learn more advanced skills if they want to continue.
The artists among us will probably always struggle and not be very good at the programming side even though Creator is a drag and drop environment. I don't expect them to be, it just not the way they think. They can pay people like me and many others to do it for them just like I pay artists to do my art. The great news for them is they will be able to create if not all at least some of their game/s with Creator (Like I can create some of my art) where it would not be possible with other software. When they get stuck and feed up with it they can pay someone at a reasonable rate to do it for them. Just like I did when I get sick and tired of trying to get my art to look how I wanted it too.
I also realise a some people are not good at either one, and/or are lazy and want to make an app with no effort. If they stick around that will change I have seen it a few times. I do some work for a client who really struggles with the programming. The logic inside her projects is terrible and I get frustrated from time to time trying to explain the same things to her and I can hear the frustration in her voice trying to understand them. It is silly of me to get frustrated because I do realise she is not capable of programming like I am. She is artistic that's her thing and she can run rings around me when it comes to art.
I think art and programming are as important as each other to create a polished game that looks good and works well. I do find it interesting no one ever tells the non artists among us to get good at art. I realise that is probably because people hardly ever ask for help with art if they did they would probably get told to get better at it too. However I do think artists accept that most people can not do what they do where as programmers are less accepting of those who are not able to do what they do.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Geez @Lost_Oasis_Games I had to go and read yoir original post to know what the heck this thread had turned into...and thanks for the mention earlier about how I "became a major asset"....that means quite a bit from you...you are here by...no longer an A$$...in my book. Lol. So to answer or comment specifically on your thread topic...because I feel I can see where you were going with it and can apprciate this thread.
Yes YOU need to learn more all of us do...yes I would love to know several different ways to create a random, yet non repeating number function. Just the same as know several different ways to utilize gravity....which happens to be a gbiggie with me on one particular game...here is why.
Yes I can make a game level attribute of gravity...in a platform style game...but geez then I have to go and click every other actor I dont want to have gavity but not allowing it to move....but what if I made my one actor I do want to have gravity..have gravity. I dont have to try and go back to compensate gavity all other actors this way...this IS THE ONE THING I can say I learned from you most effective...is optimizing your code.
How you do one thing can affect another..and know a huge amount of alternate ways to do something from the beginning can help you out in the long run to...optimimizes that code from the beginning. I hope this is one of the things you meant from this thread...thats the jist I got from it and it is certainly true...I...The Iron Clad Thinderchild does need to learn more...
:-). Thanks for the post it keeps some of us mentally in check as to not keep horse blinders on when "coding logic"...but to keep in mind there can be many ways to create a function and it IS best to know more than one way.
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I'm going through the opposite problem, lol, I spent a lot of time getting my logic building skills from zero to an average level, but even now 2 years later, I think I must have plateu'd half a year ago. I'm starting realize that I would cover more ground art-wise than programming wise.
It took me literally minutes to design a new character, but in those same minutes, I would accomplish minimal ground implementing a game mechanic, probably 7 hours just to complete a jump with adjustable propulsion based on how long a key is held.
I'm starting to think I should just prototype a game design, then let a real programmer or GS expert make an efficient, optimized version of what I made.
It's like I'm a character in a turn based game, with a strength{art} stat of 200, but a magic{game logic} stat that I got up to 30 from 0. Sure, 30 makes noticeable gain, and I can eventually defeat an enemy spamming a fireball with base 100 power. But it's inefficient and time consuming. In the time it took me to deal 3000 damage with magic, I could have done 20,000 damage with my better stat, and hired a real magician, with a magic stat of say 240, to deal 24,000 damage within that same time frame. And a third party member, say an archer{music} could have dealt an additional 18,000.
Thus a party of three dealt a total of 62,000 and shared in the loot, when by myself, I would have just dealt 23,000 total, and probably have to deal that same damage 2 more times to defeat a monster{development time} of 60,000 hp. Thus, the duel lasts 3 times longer.
@Thunder_Child you summed up exactly what I meant. Thanks bro!
@Franco this is why @RP and I are partners. He does the art, although he can code, and I do the code.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I do this as a business as well. Like other vets on here I prefer the client route as it's make way more money than hoping for app store successes. I'm not talking about template mods or any such thing. I'm talking large brand clients. Last year I did a large enterprise app for dewars whiskey and now I'm working on a series of apps for a Disney Imagineer.
As I said as to Lost Osais games which is @Rp and I's game label,We have games out and I have two games 90% coded and need some art. he is very busy so I can wait for that.
Here is the business side. I play both ends against the middle. Games/apps are similar to the gold rush. See the people who made the most money during the gold rush were those who sold shovels, picks and wheel barrels not the miners. I make 5 figures doing client work. To make that on the app store you have to be somewhat lucky. With client work I make my own luck by having worked hard to obtain the skills to deliver the complex projects they require. So keep telling yourself I somehow envy your, or anyones success, if it helps you sleep at night.
You miss the whole point as others pointed out. My point is, if some suck like me can get to a level of success then anyone wanting to go the Game/App development route can too. The whole point is to inspire to dig in and work hard. Should I lie to people and just say "oh it's easy?" this is why many users go away discouraged because GS makes it seem like oh just drag and drop a few things and bam you'll be a success. This is deceptive and many people come in with false hope. That to me is mean.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Let's all share our business strategies! For the community!
Make what is popular in the culture!:
@Lost_Oasis_Games I see, yeah, it's best when people bring their skills together to make something a single person can't do alone. You must have great teamwork with RP to have two games nearly done.
You sound real successful there hombre.
Especially when lingering in threads that you crap in. Fish do that.
Well we already have one out called Puck It on all the platforms. It was featured for a couple weeks on apple in our gene sports/arcade and still does well on downloads even though we don't market it much. I also own a golden books series of characters we are going to revive when we have more time. We have a long term vision for what we want to do.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
There is my partner now..lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yup and I am your worst nightmare (if you know me and what I do). I'm sure Two E is going to simply amaze me with his skills. Socially, I'm not impressed, but is cute to see him go out of his way to be a poop head.
I get the blame for everything..lol I don't tell him what to say. We're not in the same room.. Heck I'm on the east coast and he is in LA. I imagine since I tagged him he read the thread and was pissed about the things you said about me which he knows aren't true.
So let's all calm down.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I have recently stopped eating bacon, my lady said i was getting too fat.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
But it's so good!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Bacon is grrreeeat! Hell I even made a game about it. But alas, I have gone the veggie way. I wish I could have some damn good veggie bacon. Why can''t it just grown on stuff? Like out of my keyboard or something?
I'd love to make $100.00 doing client work but I don't have any time ATM
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
.> @colander said:
I do both I must be awesome,lol.
Yes you are indeed awesome
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template