Seems like a bug...
I'm working on a project shooter.
I use GS Creator 13.44 and have the following noted.
I have an actor, my players. This Shoots rockets ...
There is also an actor, the opponents, he also shoots rockets.
My Rule ...
when the rocket of the enemy touches the player ... then the player should be destroyed.
The other way around, when the rocket of the player touches the opponent then he should be destroyed.
This Rule shall, however, only partially.
Depending on how the player or opponent is arranged as layers it is destroyed ... or not.
The same I've tested in the RC version 13.18, here it is located does not matter in which order the opponent or the player.
When a cartridge touches the opponent or player, one of the two is destroyed.
It sounds a bit confusing ... but is very simple.
Anyway, it's a bug in my eyes!
help needed...
Perhaps strip it down to a simply example project showing just those three actors and post it here so we can see exactly what you mean.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
here is my project...
you can destroy the opponent, but you does not destroy yourself by enemy´s bullets...
Edit: Starting my answer again...
The problem is that you're constraining the size of the bullets as well as the position of the player. You can remove this problem in two ways.
One is to remove one of the constrains. See the attached image for an example of how to get the same effect.
The other is spawn the bullets at the front of the layer (or reorder the actors within the layer in anther way). Essentially, you want the ship to register the collision earlier in the code cycle than the bullets update their size. I presume just moving the ship to a layer a position within the layer that is below the one the ships will be on will also work.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
But I don't think the results are the issue from interpolate. I created the same project on the RC version and there are mutually it works fine.
There was a change a while back that made GS more sensitive to layers. Disable the interpolates in the bullets and you'll see things immediately start working.
I've tested all three solutions I suggested and all work.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Ok, I will try it tomorrow.
I hope you keep right, tomorrow I can continue the work.
Thanks for your help @Armelline
It definitely works, I can post a gif of the change and the result if you want (I don't know if you want people strolling into the thread and just seeing your game though so I won't unless you say it's okay).
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Make it, i have no Problem with it:-)
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
@Armelline...You were right.
Now I have taken your proposal with the Timer + Change Attribute.
It works now...
Thanks for your fast help.