Seems like a bug...

dapiondapion Member, PRO Posts: 353

I'm working on a project shooter.
I use GS Creator 13.44 and have the following noted.

I have an actor, my players. This Shoots rockets ...
There is also an actor, the opponents, he also shoots rockets.

My Rule ...
when the rocket of the enemy touches the player ... then the player should be destroyed.
The other way around, when the rocket of the player touches the opponent then he should be destroyed.
This Rule shall, however, only partially.
Depending on how the player or opponent is arranged as layers it is destroyed ... or not.

The same I've tested in the RC version 13.18, here it is located does not matter in which order the opponent or the player.
When a cartridge touches the opponent or player, one of the two is destroyed.

It sounds a bit confusing ... but is very simple.
Anyway, it's a bug in my eyes!

help needed...


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