is there an easy way to reset my tables automaticly for testing on device and html5 ?
Hello , I am using tables to save unlocked levels,coins and score , I want to reset them on android viewer and html5 , it seems that everytime I try to test my game , the game loads the tables always saving it. so first time i play i get 5 coins and i unlock the second level , then i quit the android viewer, after a while i test it again and the second level is still unlocked and my coins are now saved as 5 , i want it to reset everytime i test it. I can do that by creating a reset button and empty tables and copy the table value to the coins score and unlocked levels tables whenever i press the button , but is there a way i can reset the whole game tables/attributes from gs itself ? cause that method would make me place many rules since i have many tables in my game.