My app made it on the news !!!
If you told me 2 years ago (when I first started coding) I'll land an interview with a news station wanting to cover a story on my apps, I'll never would have believed you. For all the people who never gave me a chance and called my apps horrible .. I thank you ... because you guys were what motivated me to make my apps better and prove you guys wrong. All my friends who supported me through this thank you. Hardwork really pays off! Especially being a young entrepreneur.. this was no easy journey but it's the break I've been praying for. Glad to see that all my countless hours didn't go to waste and that I'm starting to make a mark in the world of technology. The only direction I can go from here is up! This is only the start
A big thank you to the forums. Without you I wouldn't have gotten this far! Link to the interview :
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Way to go! Kudos to you for your efforts. And props to your parents.
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
Right on...How cool is that!!!
@http_gamesalad this is great man , Im really happy that someone made it this far , i wish you the best !
Great stuff !! It's also good to put a face to a name on the forums !!
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Keep moving forward!
Big Smile Games Play Happy!
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Wow that is great !!
Sway plays really well.
Perhaps improve your iTunes screenshots ? The iPad ones seem to be suffering from bad compression-artifacts and the iPhone ones have dodgy aspect ratios ( they are squished
Playing on an iPhone six i did notice slight aspect ratio problems as well.
The interview was brilliant - fallback career TV Host
that's awesome, congratulations on the app and the interview!
keep building!
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Congratulations, love seeing dreams come true.
Wow man! Great news to wake up to! Congrats and well done. This is just the beginning.
Very cool, congrats!
Mental Donkey Games
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Awesome man! Good job happy you were able to make this happen
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Great job. Yes hard work does pay off!!! My youngest son is now in college studying game design and programming. Good luck young man!
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Congrats! Your dogged determination to make games has been impressive!
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Fantastic, very very cool! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Thats great "news". I see 2 of your apps on Sensor Tower, including Sway show them to be climbing in "worth"....I truly hope the news coverage helps boost those downloads.
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Nice Job!
Congrats man! Keep up the good work!
Nice! Congrats!
Good job! Keep it up and work hard!
@http_gamesalad Awesome man! Contrats:)
My Apps
Awesome to hear this! Best of luck going forward...
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@http_gamesalad So awesome!! Congrats
That's pretty awesome to see people getting the recognition they deserve.
Keep up the good work!
Sway to go!! See what I did there.
Awesome, dude - way to go!
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Way to go @http_gamesalad! Keep it up!