Trivia game inquiry.
Concerning the use of brand icons, at what limit are we able to use pictures and not be hit with a cease and desist?
If I want to use a picture of a car which displays the auto maker will I run into any legal issues? Thanks to all who can give me some insight.
If you are not using the brands to directly sell your product (for example a 'guess the airline' app rather than a Qantas Quiz or Delta Quiz app) I doubt anyone would be bothered . . . there are also likely to be (depending on your jurisdiction) protections to allow you some level of use - basically there are legitimate reasons for using a trademark, satire, commentary, news reporting, criticism, public discourse, slow loading iOS apps (and so on), the laws on trademarks are to control commercial use in the arena the company operates in, rather than a kind of absolute exclusivity - but there are grey areas (areas left to a legal process to interpret).
Absolutely not !
I'd love to see the day a manufacturer tried to take someone to court over displaying an image of one of their products ! There is 'fair use' in trademark law, you only have to imagine the recent scandal at VW, do you think VW gave to OK to the thousands of TV channels and newspapers and blogs (etc) reporting on their misdeeds ? Or vetted each news report to check the photos and videos being used in case one of their vehicles was featured ?
Usual caveat: I'm no lawyer, if worried seek advice from a pro.