Whats the deal with multiplayer at the moment?
Hi all
Been away for a wee while on adventures over shore in the dark lands... Keep trying to stumbled my way back into the GameSalad fold before being pulled away to something far less exciting....
Anyway just trying to claw my way back into it once again... I can see the GameSalad bowl and tetris shapes on the horizon.. I'll surely be there soon...
Before I trek all the way back I've sent a elderly carrier pigeon ahead to find out the latest news...
The Carrier Pigeon gets shot out of the sky and falls at your feet... you cradle the poor beast in your arms... wrapped around his feet you find a scroll of paper.
You unfurl the papyrus and read the message.
Dear Active GameSalad member
What's the latest with multiplayer.. Has anyone released a successful (fully working multiplayer game?). Is Playstogether now a fully integrated option worth pursuing or should I jump back into my old Asynchronous server project using the send and receive table functions. http://forums.gamesalad.com/discussion/64039/creating-your-own-asynchronous-server/p7
I'll see you soon upon my return across the desert planes of mediocrity.
Stormy Studio
The pigeon coughs and looks up at you... squarks and bursts into a thousand multicoloured (*multicolored) tetris shapes.
Hey there Stormy, I've been following the forums for months waiting for the multiplayer feature to be given attention. Actually just waiting for that to renew my subscription. Unfortunately there isn't much to tell, basically we got this video >
@StormyStudio I'd hazard a guess and say PlaysTogether isnt going to happen. Seems the company has all but been phased out since the acquisition, none of the listed staff work there anymore and have moved on, (if you check their Linked In status), and the website hasn't had any updates or blog updates since GameSalad bought them out... And with so little new news and progress regarding it coming out from GameSalad themselves since the acquisition, it doesn't look like the multiplayer is going to be happening anytime soon.
@Lost_Oasis_Games seems to be the only one actively trying to get something up and running with it, but with little to no updates from Gamesalad it looks like he's hit a wall.
I'm not really seeing any mention of any other games using PlaysTogether outside of GameSalad either... Which throws up questions, as the platform was originally pitched separately, before GameSalad got involved... So you'd expect there to be other developers using it separately from GS, but I can't really find any links or anything when doing a search. So are they even still supporting external use?
Would be good to get an overall update on the state of PlaysTogether and multiplayer in GameSalad, as it was pitched as a big feature , but seems to have stalled and died, and gets very little (if any) mentions from GS staff anymore...
It's looking like its a casualty of GameSalads tumultuous past...
Maybe @dgackey or @CodeWizard would be willing to give an update on the situation?
I was told they are waiting until they get it in the windows build to release it. What I can tell you is my plays together account still works and multiplayer works really well on the Mac. My game is nearly done.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Gamesalad needs add http requests(put,post,delete,get) before multiplayer can really take off. Ftp is great but requires php and hosting for it to work.
Great, thanks all for the update...
Hey @StormyStudio I think synchronous multiplayer is possible using the current Game salad network features and Google Fusion Tables. Send me a pm and lets bust it out. I have plenty of notes from using fusion tables with MIT App Inventor. Please check out this link and read the section on using Fusion Tables like a Database. https://developers.google.com/fusiontables/docs/articles/oauthfusiontables?hl=en