Monthly GameSalad Meetup Thursday November 5 2015 at 7pm CST (01:00 GMT)
Topic: Physics in GameSalad
Lost_Oasis_Games will be presenting the talk:
Harnessing the physics engine and other unconventional things:
We'll be looking at getting control of the physics engine and selecting the right physics behavior for the job. I'll be demonstrating some ways I used mechanics and the physics engine. We'll also look at how I created a swimming feel to the controls of my ocean HTML 5 game.
Come learn about GameSalad and meet other GameSalad creators. Chat with some of the developers behind GameSalad, including GameSalad's own Steve Jakab (a.k.a stevej), Alan Uthoff (a.k.a. BlackCloakGS), Tan Tran (a.k.a. adent42)
If you can't join us in person, join us online
Been digging into the Box2D documentation and have discovered some very interesting facts! I've been putting the physics engine through some detailed sampling and we be sharing my findings with you both in the presentation and through written copies so you can see the results of my tests.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games Really looking forward to it. I used to love Physics a long time ago and can do with a memory jog. Very glad that GS doesn't have Chemistry, though.
@Lost_Oasis_Games looking forward to this!
Yes some very interesting stuff. I discovered a few things I didn't know and asked a few veterans and they said they never knew them either.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Just a friendly reminder
This is great cant wait, will have to watch the recording as usual though,
I would LOVE to see something on variable jump heights for a platformer! using the physics engine. I just cant get it as good as I can in GM though code but I know GS can do it! I just don't know the correct method to make it nice and bouncy rather than liner with no falloff! so would love to see something on this!
either way im sure this will be a great talk
Use the max speed setting on the actor. This allows for a nice spring boost but will dampen the velocity when it peaks instead of having to tone everything else down. I am going to discuss this as I believe that attribute is mostly overlooked for it's usefulness.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Looking forward to the talk (I'll have to catch on video), I agree that there seems to always be new things to discover GS can do, even after using it for years, another weird thing I only noticed recently was that you can intepolate an actor's size so that it's negative, by that I mean it flips Left to Right, so you could interpolate an actor from being 400 pixels wide to -400 pixels wide, and the artwork applied to it reverses along with the actor, it's strange in that you can't otherwise set an actor to have a negative value like this (for example by changing its attributes) !?
Oh really, max velocity, I've never used that before, I just mess with max speed, will try this tonight
thanks again
I meant max speed.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I agree. I was able to find a few nuggets reading the box2d manual that I never knew before. One specifically dealt with friction. But I'll save that for the talk
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Note BlackCloakGS will not be attending the meeting, as he has just become the father of a baby boy.
Wow! Congrats, @BlackCloakGS - I too just became a father of a baby boy on October 2! It's crazy but wonderful at the same time. Best of luck.
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Congrats to @BlackCloakGS!
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Congrats @BlackCloakGS !
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Congrats @BlackCloakGS
Well big congrats to @BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja !
Congrats @BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja!
Also I'll be at this meetup!!! || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
Handout for meetup.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja too, congratulations!
@Lost_Oasis_Games Thanks for the presentation, great stuff to know.
Thanks GS Team. Nice preview of neat stuff coming soon to GS.
Congrats to @BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja !
Mental Donkey Games
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Just for an fyi: I am currently working on a video series on physics in gamesalad. I've completed two of the videos already. It will probably be a 4 or 5 part series that I will be adding to the academy. It will go into more specific detail as well as show you how to code around some common issues in relationship to things like movable actors et...
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Nice! Can't wait to see them. Your videos have always been very helpful and well made.
Mental Donkey Games
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Thank you, guys!
@Hopscotch , @iamcartez , @PhilipCC , @NipaDidIt
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Nice one! Congrats to @BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja ...
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Ooh congrats too @8bitninja! I'd missed your post!
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, @neoman , @Armelline
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Congrats @BlackCloakGS and @8bitninja !!

Thanks, @Socks !
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Congrats @8bitninja !
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx