Is there a way to make scenes random without repeating?
I randomized scenes using the scene index, but I want all scenes to appear once without ever repeating. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Best Answers
jigglybean Posts: 1,584
I was watching this just yesterday - not so sure about 'never repeating' - that would depend on how many scenes you have. But you can have a random order.
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PhilipCC Encounter Bay, South AustraliaPosts: 1,390
I remember seeing tables being used in Quiz games so that questions would not repeat but I'm not sure where to find it. Maybe check some of the tutorials on Quiz games.
Thanks for the video! I'll take a look at it!
PhilipCC - I will definitely search for it. Thanks! Off the top of my head I am thinking I would have to give each scene an attribute and work that into the table.