Android Keystore Problems...never had before.
Hello everybody,
something has changed when signing the Android Apps?
I just generated my project and wanted to sign...
in the password input from the keystore I get the following error message there.
I work with the GS version 1.23.1 and the operating system El Capitan 10:11
JDK installed...
Thanks in advance for your help,
Check your JDK is the right version for GS
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Hey @jigglybean ...
that was the issue. I´ve downloaded the false version.
Now it woks.
I got the same error. What is the right Java version I have to install for GS 1.23.1 and El Capitan 10.11.1?
The latest release on the Java dev site...think, .65 was it
After my holiday the MAC upgraded to 8.65 and today I got this error. Can I go back to the old Java version?
The problem is solved: The updater deleted the JDK and JRE and only installed the JRE! After a manually JDK download and install all worked now.