Use 2 different colored custom fonts for score?
Lae Dev
Member Posts: 12
I am currently using a custom font to display my high score, which is red. However I also want to display a final score which is supposed to be blue, but in the same font. Each image for the red numbers are labeled (1,2,3,4 ect), so how would I go about naming and making the blue numbers spawn in for the final score? Because I can't label them 1,2,3,4 ect because that's the names for the red numbers.. I hope that makes sense.
You could make your letter images white and then color the actors that are displaying them.
Or, if you still wanted to use colored images name your blue images "b1, b2," etc and in your constrain:
Constrain self.image
and this should work as well.
If that doesn't work, try it without the quotes (not at my gamesalad computer so can't test to see which way is right).
Definitely the easiest method (and best for saving space on graphics) is to color them white (or grayscale) and then color the actor itself.
Okay so I think these are the rules for selecting which image to display the number as. Where would I add the "b" in front of? I got this custom font code from the market so I'm not too sure what changes what haha
I believe you would add it before the textSubStr function: "b"..textSubStr()
Make sure to use two periods to concatenate strings.
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I ended up going with his second option, which was to make the numbers white then color them depending on which score it was showing Thanks anyway @tatiang!
Ah, thanks, I knew "." didn't look right.