simplest way to check daily active users?

jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

Hey gang, i'd like to update my apps and find out my daily active users across my apps. What is currently the best practice to discover this information? Without tracking active users it's very hard to stay on the platform.

Thank you


  • RabidParrotRabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Member Posts: 956

    Apple has analytics to show retention. If you have integrated Chartboost in your app you should see bootups on the CB dashboard. Other than that you can use network behaviors to fill tables when players bootup the game. I've found Chartboost to be quite helpful.

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782
    edited November 2015

    @jorkos, if it is just daily active users you want, you can get this info from your ad network.

    However, that only tells you, you are gaining users, or loosing users. It does not tell you why, where are your users dropping out? Do they give up on a certain level? Is your tutorial unclear?

    Thanks for the shout out @uptimistik!

    APPFORMATIVE has grown, refined and expanded in the last two years, you will see that it also offers a host of other valuable tools to

    • engage with your users,
    • use offline timers, and
    • control any aspect of your game
    • etc.

    without republishing.

    Give it a try, or get an overview on

  • jorkosjorkos Member, PRO Posts: 353

    @Hopscotch @uptimistik thanks for the info. I don't use advertising so I don't have any ad network data. In terms of Apple's analytics, it is too limited for what I need. In short, I need to know how many people used my apps, by each's that simple. @Hopscotch can you provide a reference customer who is using your service that I can contact?

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @jorkos, surely you can understand that I will not divulge users in the forum without their consent.

    You may PM me at any time to discuss your needs and possible references.

    And/or you can try it out, it is free and only takes a few minutes to see it in action for yourself.

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