Has anyone else ran into these problems
I have started testing my game on the GS viewer and I have notice my a few thing that don't happen when I use the previewer.
On the GS Viewer sometimes my hero gets stuck on some platforms that touch touch one another. ( for example, I have tile for a platform, and at the end of the platform I have another tile connected to it.) In order to move I have to go back a bit the more forward and the it works fine. This only happens on the Viewer on my iPad. First I thought maybe it way because the Y coordinates were not lined up, but I checked and they are.
Touch controls are not as accurate and keyboard commands. In this example when testing on the iPad if I am running and jumping at the same time.... sometimes when my hero hits the ground to continue running his speed gets really slow until I let go of the touch control...once I touch it again the speed is aback to normal.
Here is a screenshot of my touch controls
- This happens on both...but is annoying and I can not figure out what it happens. I have may hero set up on his own layer...he is on the top. The layers below are the other objects for the game. I have my hero set up so he bounces off the screen when he dies. After his second death he sometime bounces off but falls behind some of the tiles. ...Even know he is on the top layer.