Until You Die (Progress)
Hello guys after two one screen game i just want to make harder and long play game. So i start working. Well i am only at the start but i like how it goes. Until You Die is gonna be survival, sandbox game. With craft and farming (there is monster to for fighting) . Its really tiring and so troublesome but i know this game will be good when i finish it. Here a little early start demo and please let me know your opinion. Yeah its too early but let me know it.
What i want to do
-Working on craft system with armors, weapons etc. (you can see armor animations basically for leather armor you need some leathers and rope but i did not write that coding now i just use it like that)
-Better farming system
-Cutting trees, getting logs, mines etc.
-Alchemy for potion making
-Animals for farming
thats all in my mind and working on it. Here a little demo
edit : I forget to mention there is going to be night and day circle, rain, snow too.
Simple planting effect. I like it!
Thank you. I was working 9 hour without stoping my head burning right now but i like my progress and feeling happy.
Ermagersh. This looks awesome. I love that you spit out games like this super quick too. Looks awesome man. I wanna play it
Thank you guys. Here today progress i add log, rope, leather system right now working on fishing system.
Looks awesome! I noticed that you used the MINECRAFT leather texture though. You might want to do a different texture so you don't get really bad criticism for it.
Yeah. I don't like to use white empty images so until my game done i am using whatever i find at the google
Oh. Sorry for assuming that was the final thing
I feel the same way. Are you doing all the art for the game yourself? And is that world randomly generated?