Minor Engine Quality Issues related to iPhone6+
Member Posts: 2,239
I am a lucky owner of the new iPhone 6s +
Guessing this are well known minor weak spots but still felt like pointing them out once more.
As the apps them-self look really good on the new device too, so good work game salad team.
So I re-tested all my live apps on it here is what I found:
1-Loading image not supported: Loading Images are all stretched (even tough the new supported loading images are added)
2-Low Quality Text: Engine Text is extremely blurry specially the numbers, which looks bad since the quality of the text in the images is high resolution
What works fine:
In-apps,gamecenter,scaling in-game,Banner ads
all fine across the apps
Hey Dave, thank you for pointing them out. Here's a third one:
Together I wouldn't call them minor. They make our games look really cheap on the newest generation of iDevices which is really disadvantageous for getting a feature.
Thats true I try to avoid Text/numbers totally in my new game only using image text also just a pre-cropped loading image. Working around the limitations.
My Apps
Yeah that works. Unfortunately we can't work around the issue @shanlabs pointed out in the other thread as far as I'm concerned. Making all our games in portrait mode would be the only way...
Thanks for posting this Dave. I will consider this moving forward.
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