4 downloads a day? What am I doing wrong?
Hi GS forum.
I recently released my latest and greatest game to App Store.
Everyone I've shown it to really enjoys it, and sticks to it.
So my problem is how to get people to know, that it even exist...
I have no experience with any kind of marketing at all, but I know that some of you do.
How do you manage to get 50+ downloads a day?
Any answer will be greatly appreciated!
What you are experiencing is fairly normal unfortunately, the App Store is beyond crowded. I suggest you put a link to your game in this thread as that will draw some attention and look for ways to promote your game.
It takes time, practice, trial and error, a fanbase and many more to get a good amount of downloads.
Keep working hard and eventually your work will pay off.
Unfortunately thats standard I believe. But it has to do with tons of things I guess. Timing in so many aspects. Timing. But also promoting the game all over the web. But still, after you have done everything by the book and worked hard, you might still be stuck on 4 downloads a day.
Give us the link to your app! Really hope you can get more or that you'll get 4 new players a day for many years. That's quite many players in the long run!
If they are friends, acquaintances, family, colleagues (and so on), then I'd ignore their feedback, people are generally kind and well meaning and won't want to criticise your work, especially in front of you (although younger children can be very honest, before they've learned to be diplomatic) . . and especially ignore people if they tell you the game is great, the only worthwhile feedback is impartial voices pointing out what can be improved or what they didn't like.
You have to promote it everywhere and anywhere, at every opportunity, this thread should have ideally had a direct link to the game on the App Store, a video of gameplay, a description of the game, some screenshots, reviews (etc etc) . . . 71 people (so far) have read your post, not one of them would have any clue as to how to check out your game, you've not even included the name of your game !
You got 71 people to look at your post, just keep doing that, everywhere, and all the time, on numerous gaming forums, review forums, review channels on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, stick a link to your game in your signature (etc etc)
I think you probably know the answer already, make a great game and promote it like crazy
hihihi thats like standard indeed, and after a while your app becomes invisible and is somewhere at the end of the list:)
u should atleast make use of the most common social media like twitter,instagram,facebook etcetc to create contacts and friends as much as possible.
you will notice that even if you do the downloads will still be limited.
make sure you have included a video preview of your app. screenshot are good, but a trailer is better.
3.creatig a game is like half the work, advertising and writing app review websites is the most work you do if you want to have more downloads.
if you have more apps, create links to your other games in the current app.
create a local campaign? using QR codes for example and spread them in public transport like busses, trains etc
there are many more ways to advertise, just be creative if you are not a big company and do not have a huge budget for advertising.
the first game i launched got about 35 downloads.
my second game is still being downloaded today and im on 66 now:)
i have another trick to get to the top of the list again,that really helps a lot:)
good luck, you will need it…. i expected a lot more from it to, but you have to build it…
if you start having more fans/followers/friends they will be more likely curious for your app.
if you want to check my games;)
don't forget a youtube channel to show your work

I would be happy with consistent 4 downloads a day with every app......
Its a tough go........ 60,000 apps a month added to the store. Im not sure actual user base is increasing that quickly. How can people actually find your app in a pile 1.3 million apps???
No simple answer....... Best of luck, don't give up yet......
Thank you all so much!

It's really nice to hear that I'm not the only one struggling with downloads
I'll be sure to try all of Those tips!
I'm not sure though where to advertise my game.
Do you have any preferred forums or youtubers?
Thanks again for being so generous!
Btw the game is called Jungle Jumpers
AppStore: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jungle-jumpers/id1040954435?l=da&ls=1&mt=8
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hauschildstudios.junglejumpers2
When developing a game it's critical to get honest feedback. That means you need to find a few people who will give you brutality honest responses. Be prepared as you may not like what you hear but it is vital. You have to accept the concept that although you think the idea is great, in reality it might not be. Even at the highest levels of film or TV production they do this then reedit based on the feedback. One can either face the facts something might suck beforehand or they will comfronth that reality on release.
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