Universal Build Behaviour Feature Request - If you want this vote for it!

colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610
edited November 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

I have just submitted a feature request Number 1471 for a universal build behaviour. If you want to get this type of functionality in GameSalad go and vote for it.


  • AngryBoiAngryBoi Member Posts: 586

    You can already make universal builds! There are multiple tutorials around here. Just take some time to look and you will find one :)

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @tappwater Games If you read the feature request you will see I have developed a UB template which I sell in the stores. I have offered it to GS to see if they will create a behaviour along the lines of my rule in the template.

    As an example the three screen shots below show you what it can do. In this case the game was written in iPad and overscanned to iPhone 4 and iPhone 5. I am asking them to create a behaviour that works like my rule so other users can easily use it to develop UB's

  • GreenfroggGamesGreenfroggGames Member Posts: 224

    This would be awesome! Hope GS will make it happen. @colander awesome stuff :)

  • The_Gamesalad_GuruThe_Gamesalad_Guru Member Posts: 9,922

    It will be interesting to see if they can tackle this.

  • GreenfroggGamesGreenfroggGames Member Posts: 224

    @colander Does your template work on all android devices as well?

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    edited November 2015

    This would be very nice and a welcomed addition!

    EDIT: Voted!

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @GreenfroggGames yes it doesn't matter what device you game is played on. Of the platforms Creator provides for you to develop on iPad is at one end of the aspect spectrum and iPhone 6 is at the other. If your game looks good and works on those it will work on everything else in between.

  • colandercolander Member Posts: 1,610

    @GreenfroggGames to explain this a bit more say you created a landscape game in iPhone 4 platform (Fig 1) approximately half way along the aspect spectrum from iPad to iPhone 6. Overscan will always magnify the screen to fill the target device which in this case is iPhone 6 (Fig 2). This means on devices with different aspect ratio than iPhone 4 two of the sides will always be off the screen as in Fig 3 which shows iPhone 4 overcanned to an iPhone 6.

    Fig 1


    Fig 3

    Fig 4

    This also means images will appear larger relatively on devices with different aspect ratio and the greater the difference in the aspect ratio the more pronounced it will be.

    When overscanning to iPad (Fig 4) the actors will bunch up as they are moved back onto the iPad screen so you would turn on the size adjustment in my template. This will shrink them using the aspect ratio of the target device in this case iPad so their arrangement looks the same as they do on iPhone 4. In the Otherwise section of the rule you would turn this off so the actors keep their overscanned size in wider aspects like iPhone 6 and they will look the same as they do on iPhone 4. The code will also move them on the Y axis to bring them onto the iPhone 6 screen.

    This is a really good solution to help create a UB but you as the game developer will need to consider the the effect different aspects will have on your game and design it accordingly.

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