Two questions, text color and new line for display text?
How do we define custom colors for text on Windows? I can't seem to be able to do this. I am on 1.23.5772.31308 Windows 10 GameSalad Creator. Also, how do I add a new line of text with "\n" in the display text?
I wonder the same thing. This didn't used to happen, but the "Define Custom Colors" button is grayed out for scenes and actors. Sounds like a bug, can a dev confirm and let us know when this will be fixed?
A new line can be added two ways (I use a Mac so forgive me if either of these don't work for you):
1) Add "\n" to the text expression by concatenating it with two periods (..). For example, the Display Text expression "first line".."\n".."second line" should appear as:
first line
second line
2) Press alt+enter (on a Mac, option+return) to create a new line within the expression editor. So it would look like this in the editor:
first line [invisible alt+enter newline character]
second line
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@tataing. Neither of those work. Thanks though!
I didn't try a new line, but do you have any info about custom colors not working?
If neither of those work there's something you're not telling us, as both of those work
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They may work on the Mac, but Windows is different. There is no support for line breaks at the moment because there really isn't a good platform agnostic way to do it. Windows uses a different line ending character than the Mac/Devices and the way the text is laid out is also different. I agree it would be a useful thing to have, but not a quick fix unfortunately.
Allowing you to create/choose custom colors in the picker isn't that difficult, but making them persist would take some time. It's on my list of tings to worry about.
Since Windows GS used to be able to define custom colors in an earlier release (0.13.x), do you mean this is indeed a bug that isn't difficult to fix?
They don't work because I'm on Windows
. I put them in just like @tatiang said to. @GeorgeGS I hope you can work on this soon. It is really bugging me.
I just got schooled!
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Since we haven't heard otherwise from a dev, I put in a bug for this issue that you can vote on here.
@jdlcrater said:
Agreed - being restricted to the basic colors is a rough one.