Whats wrong with this iap?
My Android users are being charged the fee, but the iap does not get activated in the app... it seems the problem is only in Android devices. Do you spot any problem?
My Android users are being charged the fee, but the iap does not get activated in the app... it seems the problem is only in Android devices. Do you spot any problem?
try put Product ID in Purchase Table,
IYes, I am using it... thats where the Text expression "purchased" is coming from.
I sometimes have issue with rules using the expression. I'd maybe make a variable "purchasecheck" change it to "tablecellvalue...."
then make the rule IF purchasecheck = purchased
you were doing it wrong. consume item rule goes first, so it can trigger the Table Purchase rule.
Couple of things I've picked up on.
If I was to set this up, I would not write the product ID in the field either (but for your example above it should in in the field - Just to confuse things!). I would personally reference it in the expression editor like the demo in my screenshot below. This ensures it is enter correctly and no spelling mistakes of errors contained. But this is my personal way of doing things.
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Thanks!. The thing is, it works flawessly in iOS, the issue only appears on Android.... Thats weird.
Anyway, Ill try your suggestions
It is already, in a previous rule, when the buy button is pressed it activates the Buy item behaviour
@gingagaming said:
Thanks for the video... I used it originally for all my purchase system. I follow it step by step, and as I said, it works flawlessly on iOS, the problem appeared only in Android devices...
I will try and test a little more and try to catch what is wron... I will report my findings if any..
Thanks so much to all