Adding social features
Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to implement social features? I'm no subscribed as pro. I had a poke around but can't find anything.
Does anyone know of a tutorial that shows how to implement social features? I'm no subscribed as pro. I had a poke around but can't find anything.
Did you check gshelper youtube?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games No I haven't – I'll look into it.. Thanks for the tip. Also I noticed my previous typo. I meant to say I'm now subscribed as pro.
Just went through their youtube channel and couldn't find anything. I searched for social and Facebook.
Based on what I've seen online – I'm guessing that FaceBook sharing is tricky to get happening. I 'spose it's more about GameCenter and Twitter.