Making an engine sound that changes pitch with speed
Has anyone covered this? Can't find anything in the forums.
Making a car game... (My second game) Elerium 115 is pretty much finished - hoping some GS engine performance improvements will be along shortly
with the next update.
As my car increases in speed I want the engine sound to increase in pitch with the game attribute 'speed'. This is not volume, pitch refers to the note or sound.
Cant see any attributes other than Volume?
Making a car game... (My second game) Elerium 115 is pretty much finished - hoping some GS engine performance improvements will be along shortly

As my car increases in speed I want the engine sound to increase in pitch with the game attribute 'speed'. This is not volume, pitch refers to the note or sound.
Cant see any attributes other than Volume?
if speed < 100
play slow.ogg
if speed >100 & < 200
play medium.ogg
if speed > 200
play fast.ogg
something like that anyway
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The max pitch it can play at numerically is, I think, 1.
So maybe create a number that's related to your speed variable and outputs numbers below 1.
For example, when your speed is say '50', you would want to get the number .5
So the expression you put into the pitch box would be speed variable/100
Does that make sense?
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