Movable problem
Ok im really stuck here i have 2 movable actors and i want when actor one touches actor two i dont want them to move because when actor 1 touch actor2 it pushes him away so i dont want that if anyone have any solution pls help me out im stuck to loong here thank you.
Go to my guru youtube site the link below and watch my video physics videos watch part 3 and part 4
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yeah bro thank you i just watched he tutorials and they are great but that isnt my problem,my problem is i got 2 actors in one scene and they are movable but what i want is when the actors touch i want them to not move in other words to be not movable only at the moment when they touch then again to be movable fro e.x when i move actor one and he touches actor 2 i want actor 1 and 2 to stop not to push them and i cant change the density or anything because they are 2 players they must be the same.
Can you set and attribute when actor 1 overlaps or collides with actor 1 change attribute move to false or accelerate what ever you are using for move?
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give this a watch should help

had a few beers so not in the state to whip up a template cheers.
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Okay those videos show you how to stop movement. Now incorporate some logic to trigger that. See my video on how rules work. It seems you need more of a base understanding of how to build out logic. Unless you get those basics you'll end up on the forums asking how to build each step of your game. You need to do more learning.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I get you but i dont think you can do it either i tried different things i menaged to stop them when they collide but after that if i move again actor 1 pushes actor 2 that is frustrating i cant continue without fixing this.
whoever can help me here is just a demo template and the problem is there when actor 1 collides with actor 2 they stop but after that when i move him they push
If you use the method I demonstrated in part 4 of those videos, which is constraining their position when not being touched they will not move at all. Also turn bounce to zero.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Okay so I looked at the project and you didn't build it as I showed you. Here is a working model. I made notes for you. I would suggest more study of GS watch some introductory videos.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Ok i will see it right now thank you for your support i will learn it it is only one month and this is my 3 game im a quick learner thank you again.
well ok you did it they dont push themselfes that is great thank you.