Turn Based Multiplayer
Hi all,
I am working on a multiple with up to 4 player but it turn based and all on the same device. How do I make GS recognise 4 different player selections and include them in the game play scenes? You can one player or multiplayer. How then do I handle the points system logic to recognise these different players?
Wow that's a tall order your asking. There is no way to explain all this. I would recommend you start with a simpler concept as you're just learning. You need to learn how to build basic logic and this type of game concept is very advanced.
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where can i check this basic concept i was looking something like this too.
I hear they are having a Black Friday sale at basicconceptmarketplace.com
Hurry while supplies last.
Or alternatively, check out the various tutorials made by the community. I hear they are also quite OK.