Point Logic - Bonus Rounds and doubling of points

fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565
edited November 2015 in Working with GS (PC)

Hi all,

My problem regards point logic. I wish to add a button that which clicked mean you essentially gamble/bet the points gained in that round to double them.
There is you overall set of points - the total and each round you can bet your points from the round. if you succeed you double them. you can keep betting repeatedly or bank what you have which gets added to the total and then you move on to the next set of scenes.

I got 20 points in this round (scene), I decide to gamble that by doing another scene, I get it correct - I get another 20 points for the correct gamble which means I have a total of 40. If you fail the gamble or get it wrong then you lose all the points made in the round.


I got 20 points in this round (scene), I decide to gamble, I get the question correct - I get another 20 points for the correct gamble which means I have a total of** 40 which is doubled to 80 points **for the chutzpah of taking such a difficult task. If you fail the gamble or get it wrong then you lose all the points made in the round.


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    In the gamble button:

    Change Attribute game.chance to random(1,10)
    If game.chance > 7
         Change Attribute game.points to game.points * 2
         Change Attribute game.points to game.points - game.pointsThisRound

    That will give a 30% chance of winning (if game.chance equals 8, 9, or 10).

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  • fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565

    @tatiang what I meant was I remain on the screen and I've succeeded a challenge and received lets say 10 points. I am then given the choice to either progress to the next level or gamble my gained points for double points. You're allowed a maximum of 3 gambles per scene so points projection for successful 3 gambles would go like (10 at initial --> first gamble so doubled to 30 (initial points + double that)---> second gamble 90 points (30 + double that) ----. third gamble 270 points (90+double that). If you fail at any point you lose everything.

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