Ipad problem
Member, PRO Posts: 11
I created an app for the iPad, but when I submit it to itunesconnect I get. "Your binary indicates support for iPhone/iPod touch. You must provide an iPhone/iPod touch screenshot." Am I missing a step to turn off support for iPhone and iPod touch?
All builds are universal so yes you need to scale down a screenshot.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks. Does that mean the entire game needs to scale for iPhone? All the graphics are geared at iPad size.
No it will auto scale down.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I believe the image relesizer on GSHelper....which is free...does a great job of inserting a single screentshot and creating all your images for all the other sizes for you. Great tool ! I think its a super tool the great @gingagaming made for us.
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