character falling through floor?

HDIMappsHDIMapps Member, PRO Posts: 18

okay, I'm new to this so I'm sorry for the really basic question. I have three actors in play here. one is the playable character, another is the floor and another is the wall. now bear with me here, I know I'm going about this a wierd way but like I said, I'm new to this. So Character is on the floor. He stands there and moves and jumps as intended. Above his head is a platform, also a Floor. Due to my if/then statements, when Character bumps his head onto the platform Floor, he behaves unnaturally. So I made Wall and placed it beneath the floor. Wall would be given another set of characteristics. However, Character passes right through Wall. I thought I set the options the same way for Floor and Wall, but apparently not. What am I missing?


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