Using my Apple TV and Airplay last night...
So for the first time I used my Apple TV module I got for Xmas last year, and used Airplay to view some of my games...specifically landscape mode slots games....holy smokes it freakin looks great !
So when we gonna be able to sell our games on Apple TV GameSalad peoples ?
I know we have been voting my emails I get for every vote proves that....any word from the GS staff we could get? Like wether the vores are sufficient to get er done?
I was cery impressed how well it played with no lag and clarity was superb. Of course that was just Airplay....where, how can one buy games through an Apple TV module ? I dont see anywhere to do so.
Right now I know they are very busy fixing the load times and custom fonts. Remember they have a small staff and have their hands full. They can only do so much. I would love to have it all too but that is just not realistic. Be patient all.
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You need an Apple TV gen 4 to be able to access the App Store. I'm assuming that as you got your Apple TV last year, you have a gen 3.
The gen 4 has a new remote with touch, click and swipe gestures. It's almost like a mini phone to hold and is great to play games on.
Oh I realize @Lost_Oasis_Games they have things to get done. I was more wondering if they had at least decided wether it would be one the list or not. I can be patient...Im just wonder if its even something to be payient with or not.
@gingagaming bummer I certainly have an earlier version of Apple TV :-(. All I will say again is just a simple slots game looked fantastic on a 50". I will be playing more and only makes me want to be geared towards all games now to be landscape if the game facilitates landscape of course. Played a Mac cersion of a game "Cosmic Clusters" I made (my first GS game) and because controls on keyboard I had fun playing for some controllers and I might even let my son play.
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You'd have to check the votes. I know it is up there on the features requests.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
This is why I am learning swift now.
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