Anyone tried teaming up with a GS member?
I have an idea I want to try out that I think is extremely difficult if not impossible for 1 person to do, it may require full time work for about a year give or take.
I need a team, but I think I need to build my own personal portfolio before I do that.
Have u guys had any past experiences teaming up with someone from GS or otherwise?
Sure, and it can be very rewarding. But, it is not easy finding the right partner though.
If you do find someone, I would advise first doing one or two small projects. This way you will get to know each other and see if it has potential. Only then tackle something bigger.
It is also beneficial to make partnerships with developers who can compliment your skills. For example, if you are a great developer, make friends with sound artists and designers.
You will probably have to try out a few people until you find a good and reliable match. So keep the first projects small to minimize the risk.
Good luck!
I have been teamed up with @RP for several years now. We met on The forums and I helped him with one of his games. We hit it off and decided to partner up. We started Lost Oasis Games together.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Then once you do find people, I've been wondering how to have an effective workflow with GS with multiple coders. GIT and merge?
Wow, that's great. Is he in a different country?
We are in different states. I'm West Coast and @Lost_Oasis_Games is East Coast.
You could collaborate with peeps all over the world, just keep in mind that when it comes to business and $ matters, it gets a heck of a lot more complex if your team is in different countries.
Skype and instant messaging are great for having meetings and sharing ideas, concepts, screens etc.
Go for it!
When @RP and I are working heavy on a game we skype and work together. He is the art Guru and me the code Guru and we work the ideas and concepts together.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@Lost_Oasis_Games can u send a link to your games?
I've been working on my vikings game and @pHghost has been helping me a LOT, damn I'm even using his MacBook Pro right now, he help me solve the timestamp issue I was having, some of you out there may recall. at one point there was like 8 people trying to figure out the problem haha. We are both living in London so we decided to meet up, he then also created the hero equip / unequal system for the game. Now that we know a bit better how we both work we're planning to work together on future projects. It's a lot more fun than working by yourself since you can discuss ideas and come up with different ways to solve the problem. Regarding coding I think different people should be responsible for certain parts, if its a serious project than proper documentation should be kept so other people can refer back to on how that particular logic was set up ( which is more time consuming but valuable and time saving in the future) .