Best Way to Create a Personality Quiz?
Hey all! Completely brand new to Gamesalad, and a mild coder at best. My goal is to create a personality quiz (think something like the Harry Potter houses/sorting hat).
I've seen tutorials for creating quizzes on the internet, but those all seem centered around having one right answer and several wrong ones. I'm hoping to create something where someone answers a series of 10 questions, and at the end they're revealed to be one of several different personality types.
Any help, suggestions, or tutorials you might be able to pass along would be greatly appreciated!
(Also, sorry if this isn't the best place to post a question like this. I can move the discussion elsewhere if need be!)
Start to think about how you want to determine the outcome. You could weight answers so that by the end of the quiz they are most like one of the possible outcomes. Or you could eliminate certain outcomes based on the answers to certain questions and then ask different questions as you go along.
An example of the former would be:
Are you creative? Yes=add 1 to artist and 1 to teacher, No=do nothing
Are you organized? Yes=add 1 to accountant, No=do nothing
Do you like working with kids? Yes=add 1 to teacher, No=do nothing
If the person answers yes to the first and last question, they would have a score of 2 for teacher, 1 for artist, and 0 for accountant. "You are most likely a teacher." etc.
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Thanks tatiang! That sounds like that could get me to where I need to go. I'll have to dive into Gamesalad and see what's possible…