Feature Request for 2016
Member, PRO Posts: 18
Hi all,
I have only worked with GS a few months now but will anyway be bold enough to post a list of features I would like to see in future GS updates (since I'm more of a designer than a programmer the focus is on the design part):
- A magnifying/zoom function for the Scene (would be very helpful when working with detailed scenes with many objects)
- The ability to select multiple actors in a scene (to copy/paste or move them, or paste in place on another scene)
- Align and distribution tools for actors (to be able to align and distribute several selected actors in a scene)
- Smart guides (as in Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator). This would be a huge help when developing puzzle type games where a lot of actors should be stacked together in different ways in several scenes/levels.
- The ability to Show/Hide layers and actors in a scene (to easily be able to work with stacked actors)
- A transformation panel (where you can set width, height, X position, Y position and Rotation for an actor directly on the scene)
- The ability to set a Prototype instance as a new prototype (see attached image)
Hi @Gloofer Good thinking - the majority of those we've been wanting for a long time! (Especially the second one, personally).
Not sure how setting an instance as a new Prototype would work - the only way would be for GCS to automatically add the new prototype in the Library, I guess, which would be a bit clumsy, being out of GSC user's control.
For the few times when that's needed, it's probably just as easy to duplicate the Prototype in the library, amend programming accordingly...but I'm sure you know that already.
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I think if it was easy and cheap to implement it would be in GS. Some features would be so impractical to do I would say never.
Yes I am using the term "features" loosely.
Stick them up on http://bugs.gamesalad.com/ and encourage people to vote for them!
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I think they should implement them "not because they are easy, but because they are hard". With over 750,000 (according to the website) developers paying between $19 - $29 monthly I think it should fit within the budget
I have stumbled upon the situation a couple of times in the few months I've been working with GS. Say I have an instance that I've tweaked quite a lot (compared to the Prototype it is based on) with different settings, behaviors etc. The prototype is used for say 30 levels/scenes and the new instance should be used in 30 new levels/scenes. If it were possible to make this instance a new prototype just by clicking a button, I could then easily copy the scene where it resides for my 30 new levels, and they would all have a new prototype that I could change later if needed, and it would only affect the 30 new levels and not the previous 30.
Keep in mind though, that I'm a GS n00b, and maybe I might have gotten the "normal" GS work-flow completely wrong
Your math isn't quite right 750,000 users over many years. Many were using Creator for free. Some stay a few months now moved on. No way they have those kind of revenues.
It's not a public company so who knows.
They have smart people working there. The only logic to me is UI changes are difficult and provide no revenue. So not likely will ever happen.
If your "feature" was added it would be useful.
Yes, I'm aware of my math being a bit exaggerative (if they can, why can't I but even if you cut those figures in half, or say even a tenth, it is still a lot of paying users (monthly, not one-time payment). Anyhow, I don't really agree with you that UI changes provide no revenue, since a user friendly UI that makes the work-flow a lot easier would attract more users and make guys like me stick with the product instead of leave in frustration.
But don't get me wrong here, I definitely think the GS developers has done a great job so far, but with that said it doesn't mean there is no room for improvements. And frankly, some of the requests has been addressed several years ago here at the forums.
Right now, I'm not sure if develop my project in GS because design all the game levels without these essential tools seems terrible.
Thanks Armelline, I've just added them there now. Don't know where to start my voting campaign though
What one needs to take into account is the Gs team is very small. Currently, they have their hands full fixing performance issues. We would all love to have lots of features and everyone here has different priorities, this is why we have the voting system. It seems the most equitable way to gauge community support for a particular feature as the team has limited resources. @Gloofer us veterans have seen this reasoning a thousand times over the years, although valid in some respects, in reality it's just not plausible. Untill GS is able to become more profitable and aquire more programmers most of this will just have to wait.
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Gloofer those features would be great in GS.
Agreed - those would be awesome!
And just a side note, it's not like the GS team isn't doing anything. We just got custom collisions a few weeks ago; that was something that was requested a billion times. They got it to us. Next? Custom fonts. That's coming out next week. I think with their team and their size, the GS team is rocking it and giving us long requested features.
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Your math did not include exspenses. Return on investment is low on UI features. Limited resources and many priorities. I hope they surprise us though!!!
Don't forget they are going to reowrk text input. A long overdue update to that annoying huge white box input screen.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS